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The battle for time. Why no Russian tanks in Kiev

What is the current regime in Kiev really succeeded in the difficult science of troublemakers”. Problems all around, including the Russian Federation, they really learned quite real to create.


Not to respond to provocations of the kind Russia simply can not: does not allow the status of power. But “real”, “honored” the answer is not very desirable, and not because “troubled the rest of the world”.

“The rest of the world” now a few not to pick your hopeless problems this poor area, the value of which is now more reminiscent of an entertaining process of getting wool from the cat: cries a lot, but the profit is small. Therefore, “support the rest of the world” will, of course, very rough, but for the benefit solely of the media. Well, it may also introduce any “additional sanctions” some two or three years, we, in General, not used to it.


Unpleasant, of course. But it is not like it was in the beginning of the process, which for our “Western partners” are not infinite. What could they do more or less painless for you, they have already made, and do yourself too painful is the wrong question for which you would like to truly suffer.

Well, what on the intricate combat capability are “mighty Mat” can be easily understood by analogy with the annexation of Crimea. Where the same part of the APU, and probably the best “area 404” in terms of combat capability, were still uninvestigated as of today. Including, by the way, even if took place to be combat aircraft and even a few chronomancy, but still warships.

Now, if I remember correctly, the major issue plaguing then the Ukrainian army was the only dilemma: first, to give sneaker or just go ask for the service of the bloody aggressor. The other options did not exist even at the stage of consideration of plausible scenarios and it was more than reasonable.

Here’s the other thing.

Russia does not need even a “short victorious war”.

Russia now want only peace and development.

Which, if “withdrawal balance” this right here operetta splendor will turn into a solid hassle.

We neosalvarsan declared a “pivot to the East”. Redobutton the Northern sea route. Not mastered as follows Arctic and Okhotsk shelves. Not built until the end of the Russian-Iranian-Azerbaijani transport corridor “North-South” and our, ” the “silk road” that can transform the entire Eurasian transport logistics. We “Rosatom” and “Rosvooruzhenie” now painfully realize how to master an enormous amount of orders. We have not finally brought to mind the Vostochny cosmodrome, incomplete cyclopean “oil and gas” project on the Yamal Peninsula, Negotiant a bridge to the Crimea, redobutton BAM and not even stretched to Kazan high-speed railway. And, by the way, the stadiums for the world Cup too, not everything is built. We even fucking elevators to a record harvest of grain is not enough, but we are only just at the beginning of a long and very entertaining way!

Well, why do we need all these – quite a way, realistic – victorious blitzkrieg in such a situation?!


How would say the hero of Nikita Mikhalkov heroine Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film Ryazanov: “sama-sama-sama.”

But not to answer – back to the beginning of the article, too, because, alas, unfortunately, impossible.

Great power status does not allow.

You cannot rely on the remnants of reason in the minds of Ukrainian “politicians” those who are now “Vlada” in Kiev, on their own people do not care. Or do you think that they present something different from the infamous “Canopy-rabbit”, siusega home joyful selfie from America?

And so, that is why the Russian leadership and pausing.

Because really – there must think.And don’t choose like dashing “nineties democratic”, between “bad” and “very very bad”. Because there’s nothing worse than dealing with an unpredictable idiot: it’s even a lot worse than to deal with the real, ruthless, well-trained and truly professional enemy.

PS Victor Marakhovskii

To say SW. a colleague would like to add one consideration.

Trying to start a small controlled “hot” war with Russia with Kiev was inevitable and predicted all — we predicted it too many times. Dropped from the scope of the main interests of the Western curators (as not justified hopes of anything) the Kiev government, organizing casts insane cannon fodder in the Crimea, just tried to somehow simulate their only “useful” feature.

That it is important to understand that any “collapse of Russia” no America is not intended. Times triumphant Messianic hawks believe that Russia is just nedorazumeniya a relic of the old world, which will swept globally triumphant girl fighting passed so long ago that it is already understood, even elitist “sole superpower”. Moreover, the hypothetical destruction of today’s Russia would strengthen “the only superpower”, and would only have weakened it, heaped on top of the existing unsupportable world problems new, much more serious.

So what the Only Superpower wants from Russia (and China and Iran) — it’s weakness and automatically deriving from her tractability. And non-interference in superpower political and economic macro projects (like the TTIP or the world from pipeline to LNG).

In this regard, the value of Ukraine in its current format exactly as big as it can weaken Russia (and also EU). So, for example, representatives of the United States voice strong support to the “Ukrainian pipe” and insist that Europe as soon as possible went from pipes to liquefied gas. The more you will be able to slow down the Russian projects for the delivery of gas to the EU, the more will be able to win and time and control and money.

For all these reasons — there is no reason to believe that sabotage last August. There will be new, if not now, after the American elections. Ukraine needed the Sole Superpower only as a state-Shaheed, which could univasity the case of maximum separation of the EU and the EAC.

Another thing is that even the current regime in Kiev to be a Shahid is not willing — because of suicidality allotted martyrdom role. He wants to fight with Russia enough for the overlord gave him the money and political pressure, but not so much that in Kiev there was the notorious Russian tanks.

In fact, we are seeing now is complete lack of uniformity of interests. In the interests of the United States to Kiev rotted loud, powerful and painful for the neighbors. In the interest of Russia to rot quietly and smoothly getting back (in whole or in part) in natural Eurasian space. In the interests of the Kiev regime to sit as long as possible, receiving money. With the pipe, from the IMF, from the EU — still. In this case, “sell the Kremlin” he’s not as physically: the mode is too firmly under the Americans and will be swept away in the moment when it will come to head is bad idea to change the host.

So now the official West responds to the Crimean provocation about the same as on the Turkish revolution: calls for peace, reaffirms its support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and in fact intelligent silent. He would gladly have condemned the heinous actions of Russia — but Russia, keeping boundaries, not taking punitive expeditions.

So, trying to provoke them will continue — including through the resistance of the Kiev elite. To get finally in the former USSR “the earth hot war”.

The inevitability of the return of Ukraine to Russia” in one form or another — is obvious to all (except the most feral of aeuropean” and no less Patriotic feral ultras, just thinking in the option “videosecu/potensielle”). It is also obvious that the West will try to sell it in a worse condition and more expensive, and Russia — to pay as little as possible amount of money and lives. The aim of the West is now on a possible increase in “interest on arrears”, which is expressed in new the killed citizens of Russia, the LNR and the DNI. The task of Russia — to their decline.

And all this means one simple thing. Philosophising on the subject “nation, preferring the shame of the war and the shame and war” — stupidly inappropriate. Just because the war has long been coming. Not like I would like the players in the strategy, but quite obvious. And now for all the main prize in it is time.

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