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The anti-Russian media

Самые антироссийские СМИ

Russian Institute for strategic studies (RISS) has compiled a list of world-famous publications, which, according to the compilers of the list, “aggressive to Russia”. This was introduced “index of aggressiveness”: the number of “negative” from the point of view of the Kremlin publications on Russia is divided by the number of “neutral”.

Among the media with the highest “index of aggressiveness” has entered the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the American The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The Financial Times and the BBC, French Le Monde and Le Figaro.

Most “anti-Russian” minded media is leading the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Ukraine and of course USA.

In these media appear negative for the Kremlin publication, which reported the details to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, the consequences of Moscow’s operations in Syria and numerous cases of attack on human rights in Russia. In short all that you meet on the Politics.
Well, our media, most truthful and honest as a tear, and the Court, in the World… and don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Самые антироссийские СМИ

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