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Test of the maturity of

Тест на зрелость 

Imagine that you have a teenage son. And the time comes for you to let him go, say, on vacation somewhere alone. How do you make sure that he’s not going to do very much serious nonsense? Well, let’s say, is not played in the nines visiting gamblers, hunters such younger sons.

Clear how. Have a boy to test. Talk and get to know how he is going gamblers to recognize. And how it all relates to the future card game with gamblers. If “And suddenly you’re lucky…”, then one to let him go early. If “Well, what 100 is already lost, you can also take it out, again- early.

If there is any positive in the ongoing campaign is that it allows us to pass this test. And people in public, and quite non-public.

For public clear: this test is not only for maturity, but maybe not so much. Test this for honesty – if (or – let’s really politically correct, without a shadow of sexism – are) one (or that) public (or public) man (or woman) to sell certain of their personal dignity (honour, conscience, reputation, finally) for those or other political tchotchke.

Public always: I could not tell that his (her) actions, it is not just stupid, not just how to say it mildly, lack of cleanliness, not a cocktail of one or the other. The smell of something in all cases not… And why not tell. Anyway – until I undress.

But in addition to public figures there are others. And they are also not always easy. Because it is difficult to understand who writes by his heart, and who paid for it. Today it is sometimes very difficult to tell what is lack of mind or conscience…

However, all this is interesting only from a psychological point of view. For a sociologist such details superfluous. For him, the question is simpler: how much percentage want in “election” to participate, how many will not participate because of poor civic sense – “Fig”, and how much of the protest that the “elections” are not elections.

This is a test of the maturity of the whole society. If the percentage of people with more or less developed civil sense, pecking at zazyvaniya cute guys “pick me, Pick me!” great society test of maturity is not. If a high percentage of those who claim that fraud is not involved – passes.

However, you can talk not only about pass-fail test, but also on the dynamics of more or less Mature citizens. It is also important to know.

So: our society is a test of maturity obviously is not. And, although the dynamics of growing up have positive: Mature, becomes more infantile protest is too high.

“Elections” will be shown (up to fraud, of course) the exact figures, but one can imagine that in the amount of Yabloko and Parnas gain 4-5 percent. From the most active protest more or less on the liberal side, this may be the fourth or even the third part. Very much! Weird, considering that part of this is perhaps the most active of more or less active.

Why is that bad? Because the same people who are going to vote for “Democrats”, understands and cheating the elections, and the inability to not only straighten but also improve the situation in this way, and also know the biographies of their elected representatives.

Yavlinsky in the policy for more than 25 years. As Zhirinovsky. Or even longer. Famous high “negotiability”, the lack of principles, cowardice, falsity, and those that played in ‘ 99 crucial role in the arrival of Putin to power: first, just by voting in the Duma of the Prime heir, and for actively supporting the then only the idea to fight in Chechnya. By the time Apple changed the rhetoric, it was too late: Putin has already firmly sitting on horseback. If we assume that Yavlinsky did not understand what he had done, after this shoot. Leave politics – at least. But it’s not about our lovely liar.

I’m 95 election year voted for Apple not to it thrown out in ‘ 99 this trick. Yavlinsky knew that not. And I cheated. Promised to be intelligent, honest, decent, and was not a fool, not a villain, but certainly have used my voice for other purposes. So what do you want for it I voted again? That same someone should be for this?

Kasyanov is even worse. Direct accomplice of the crimes of the second Chechen war, he was simply publicly seized by an impure hand. Privatization Politbureau villas would be the immediate end of his political career. We have become the beginning. About his associates on Parnassus I just don’t say: the arrival is the same and what is pop, one of the other beautiful nationalist – populist, ultra-conservative, radical, muddle-liberal and other, and other…

Other elections not allowed. However, let us not deceive ourselves – others because we simply do not. Unless there was at least one party is honest, kind and intelligent people who tried to register? I about such do not know. Yes, and affirmative reasonable we don’t, we have nothing to offer really implemented and useful. “Down!” another positive we have.

Well, and for whom to vote? For the lesser evil? No there are less. Here is one and the same evil with many faces. That single vote for crooks and thieves, crooks and thieves fair that Zhirinovsky for the lumpen that Zhirinovsky for the intelligentsia… for the Communists who became fascists and bigots – Stalinists that Stalin, arise he would be shot within 24 hours. (And the hand right, and frankly to write: “and you are right I did” – what hearts have to say; wrong, of course I did not shoot them, and streets to send revenge; but it is a distraction.)

Not for anyone here to vote. Yes, and it may not be for someone. Because “election”, these are so arranged that in order to save power in the right hands. And to give society the illusion that it is the society itself the power in the right hands gives.

Well, well. And how many still protest people ready to support the active boycott of the elections? Active – that is, such that the voice “Is not a choice” sounded loud. And loud it sounds, only when a lot of people chorus repeat this simple Maxim. I’ve set a simple experiment. Made a petition with the addressee “people of the Russian Federation” and a very short text: “September’s elections – not elections. In addition to direct fraud, the procedure of access to them cuts off those who could Express an opinion, at least, one third of the population, and the possibility of propaganda distributed among the participants is absolutely not equal: provlastnyj parties, they are incomparably greater. The procedures of judicial control does not – the courts are completely controlled by the government. So there is nobody to complain. To participate in this shameful deception below human dignity. We therefore urge the addressee of the petition – the people, citizens of Russia – to boycott the elections. Your signature on the petition means joining the boycott.

4 days – 65 signatures. From any public people, even those who share such an attitude to the elections, nobody.

For comparison, the petition for the protection of animals easily collect three hundred thousand signatures. Obviously, that’s important. That man is an animal and needs to be protected, we forgot.

What does it mean? What life will we do this all the time to remind. Until you grow up.

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