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Syria is the Vietnam of our era

Сирия - это Вьетнам нашей эпохи

Today we can often hear the puzzled question: Why the fighting in Syria go so long and why the government troops were advancing so slowly in driblets, despite the support of Russian aviation?
Yes, on TV tell us that the militants are fighting skill that they do not spare their soldiers that the militants much that they actively build fortifications, and that they have sufficient modern weapons.
But honestly, all of these excuses look like some kind of artificial – much like the owl stretched over the globe.
In our era, the number of manpower is not critical (otherwise the Arabs long ago be erased in the powder Israel) and young demented mumbler from among the extremists, can easily be multiplied by zero, no matter how many of them there may be.
And capacity doesn’t hold up against a serious bombardment. And military factories the militants virtually none – unless you count those small workshops of the handicraft type.
However, the fact remains that government forces in Syria come (if ever come) with difficulty, exposed to constant counter-attacks by the enemy.
Why is this happening?

In order to further answer this question, below I update some part of one of his old materials.

It should be understood that a global confrontation (otherwise known as the “cold” war) – never stops. Even for a minute.
It cannot end until humanity exists as such.

Global confrontation began when Adam and eve banished from Paradise, gave birth to the first sons, Cain and Abel.
First, there was the cold war that eventually ended with the fact that Cain killed Abel.
However, this is contrary to the calculations of Cain, it was not the end of the confrontation. Just changed to a certain stage and the cold war went into a new phase.

Gradually, with the advent of new people, clans and tribes – started the cold war (interspersed with “hot phases”) are everywhere inhabited by bipeds.

Some Pink Crocodile tribe, struggled, starved, Netopia nights not cosipa, tearing the veins and straining all efforts, sought at all costs to conquer the surrounding area of the Great Swamp (beyond which, of course, is the edge of the universe).
Incredible effort, pink crocodiles, in the end, defeated their enemies – including tribe of Birds Hedgehogs (of the fiend, because of misconduct of which the great Bubuka sends to the ground all sorts of punishment) and the tribe Bald Carp (which is worse no one in this world can not be).

And here won a decisive victory, the enemy is eaten – and now, of course, that’s come full heaven on earth and the absolute Nirvana. Especially because of Brown Reeds (which extended far to the horizon) there is no more and white light it ends…
And suddenly, out of nowhere, because of those reeds (which there’s nothing!..) popping up a new enemy – the tribe of the Flying Rhinos. A tribe of horrible and insidious. So insidious that it devours not all captured enemies, but only men, leaving women and young children to the brood.
As a result of this unheard of perfidy, flying rhinos clearly outnumber the Pink Crocodiles, moreover, much exhausted by the previous confrontation.
And starts a new confrontation, in which, ultimately, the males are Pink Crocodiles on skewers, and females are shown in tepees Flying Rhinos and obryadina winners…

However, as soon as the Flying Rhinos are convinced that the whole world is conquered (and the whole world – is all that lies between the mountains and the Crow the Frog the Oak and is about coming universal happiness – both because of the very Crow mountains (as it’s not the end of the world???!!!..) narisovatj new enemies – the great tribe of Dung Moths.
And a new cold war, punctuated by fierce skirmishes, after which the winners snack Bruhat prisoners and captives (which I try not to eat, if not much hungry)…

It was everywhere, where foot of man. Changed the name of tribes and clans, some of the details, methods of killing and turning in Namco – but not the principle itself.

Gradually, the world began to form some semblance of States between which, of course, immediately began the cold war. And everyone certainly seemed that they claim not just to some scuzzy valley, and certainly on world domination…

The first more or less known to science long inter-state conflict was a “cold war” between Ancient Egypt and the state of the Hittites.
Contenders for world domination, once held such a joint experiment: took the baby taken away from mother, put him mute nurse – and put both to a remote guarded tower.
It was believed that the child would grow up to speak in the language which is the most ancient on earth. That is, either the Egyptian, or in Hittite (both of the nation considered themselves the most ancient of course).
I don’t know about the Hittites ran it, but the child spoke in the language of the Hittites…

However, despite such offensive to the Egyptians the result of “scientific experiment” won in the end, it is they.
And winning – of course imagined themselves to be masters of the world. The pharaohs were deified (grovel – sin is very ancient). The world, in the eyes of the ancient Egyptians – was certainly unipolar.

But not for long music played.
From somewhere in the desert (where nothing seems to be it must be popped up a whole Horde of these proud, warlike and arrogant “globalizers” – the Assyrians, the Hyksos, Babylonians, Medes…
Egypt was, alas, won – and Oh, several times in a row. Ultimately withered.

While all the company is diligently drenched each other (a world divided panimash…), on the periphery (somewhere at the edge of the world – to think only!) drew new contender for the leadership – Persia.
It is a copper basin slammed all the above invaders, and really have achieved a lot, rasprosterlas from Libya to India, and from modern Kazakhstan to Ethiopia.

That’s really when sang-howled about the coming world domination and prosperity, under the wise leadership of their bishops, numerous quitters-hangers from the Persian court!
Of course the Persian kings were deified – what else! After all, the Lord of Persia is the master of the world, isn’t it?..
Meanwhile, to the West of Persia, in the mountains and on numerous Islands, hard to clobber each other microscopic Greek state, among which gradually separated the two leaders – Lakonika with its capital Sparta, and Attica, with its capital in Athens. Dividing among themselves the rest of Greece – of course, they immediately clutched each other’s throats…
And to the North from the main Greek world, was born and like the wolf immediately requested blood young state of Macedonia.
Slightly strengthened while the Athenians and the Spartans divided the world, the Macedonians easily stalled both.
And then, he attacked a huge, powerful, but mired in the insanity, corruption and lawlessness Persia (familiar?..). And Persia fell with a crash like a rotten aspen at the first serious gust of wind…

Widely swung the Macedonians – from the Adriatic to India and from the Kuban to the Indian ocean.
This is without exaggeration was a superpower. And its leader, Alexander the great, did win all, to whom only he could reach.
Do I need to explain that he proclaimed himself God?..

However, to his great annoyance, the army had plenty of literate, educated Greeks (the intellectuals cursed her mother for a foot!) who openly laughed at the vain attempts of the General to lead the Kingdom of God.
So I had to surround himself with the Persian court (that was not accustomed to crawl at the feet of the Lord) and in General to move the capital to Babylon, abandoning the thought of going back to Pella (the original capital of Ancient Macedonia)…

In the end, the Macedonians became convinced that they are the masters of the world. Therefore, fear them simply there is nobody.
Therefore, as soon as Alexander died (alas, mortals were; bummer…), his generals immediately started a fight for power, over the still warm body of his deity, not hesitant to kill his children.

Empire of the late Alexander split into several parts – which began fiercely bickering with each other. The struggle for world domination has gone on a new circle…
This proves that a simple idea that even subjugating the whole world, the state-hegemon will not achieve prosperity and globalization. Heaven on earth will not come.
As soon as the powers that be of this country will be convinced (or they seem to win more certain, the external threat is absent, there is no need to unite – they immediately start fighting among themselves, split barely established world power to pieces, and the struggle begins anew. That’s how humanity…

While the events in Macedonia have confirmed this simple truth, in the Western Mediterranean, tearing each other to pieces, two “globalizer” – Rome and Carthage.
In the end, Carthage pissed away all polymers were destroyed (unlucky boys).
Barely oklemavshis after this mess (they also got sickly, the fight was severe, the Romans flooded to new conquests.
In the end, they surpassed even the Macedonians.
The Roman Empire stretched from Scandinavia to the Sahara and from Morocco to the Caspian sea.
Talk about the world domination of Rome, it was in that era no less than today talking about the global US domination and globalization under their wise management.
The Romans assured themselves that all the ancient prophets foretold of Rome’s world dominion…

I am confident in his unshakable domination of the world (in actual fact – over a small part of it), the Romans seized, corrupted, fell into great insanity (something reminiscent of the insanity of today’s snickering and depraved Americans).
The result is a divided and disappeared under the blows of the not-so-menacing hordes of barbarians (Rome actually fell without a fight).

Barbara, in turn, barely seeing themselves the heirs of Rome – immediately divided, gnawed, and disappeared from the face of the earth, under the next wave the other barbarians.

The same thing, one to one, happened to the Empire of the Franks, which was falling apart, barely having United under his rule Western Europe.
And again (for the umpteenth time!) the story went in a circle.
Again – the struggle for world domination (globalization), for the building of a Paradise on earth (on the bones dissenting).

Who just passed through these coils of history!
The Genoese fought with the Venetians.
Rose and collapsed two of the Turkish Empire – the Seljuk and the Ottoman.
The same thing happened with the Arabs.
The same fate befell the Mongols, who, strange as it may seem, also created an ideology of building a world of Paradise on the corpses of enemies.
Fought between the British and the French (think hundred years war), the Spaniards and the Portuguese, the poles and the Swedes, the crusaders and Lithuanians.
Gradually blossomed, swelled to unimaginable size and then deflated and shrunk the two superpowers-globalizator, British and French.
Flashed and went out globalistika idea of Hitler’s Reich.
Tried to create a superpower of Italy, Il Duce Mussolini was hanged upside down by his own countrymen.
Swinging on the pan-Asian leadership Japan – was planted bare ass on American nuclear pan.
In the end, left against each other, the two superpowers – the United States and the Soviet Union.
The third bidder, China is clearly weaker. So it is a bit on the sidelines. Waiting in the wings…

The Soviet Union, especially under the talented leadership of Gorbachev – ceased to exist.
Of course, immediately after that, the Americans imagined themselves masters of the world and nation chosen by God.
Of course the sounded speech about the end of the cold war…

But tell yourself, based on vicepresidencia – does any of it REALLY (not in words) to end the Cold war (i.e., global confrontation)?..

Of course, the confrontation did not stop – even for a minute.
Whatever babbled Gorbachev and Yeltsin – the confrontation never faded.

The destruction of Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq; the expansion of NATO to the East, to the borders of Russia, the acceptance into NATO of the Baltic republics, the “orange” revolution occurring here and there, from time to time is all the episodes never lasted the Cold war.
And this war is being waged by the United States is not against China, or Iran (there is no need to delude ourselves), but against Russia.
Because Russia today is the only country in the world that can really, not in words, if very much will press, to destroy the United States.
China is not capable technically. About other countries and say nothing.

Therefore, Russia today is simply not a choice.
No choice she doesn’t leave.

Crimea and today would have been a part of Ukraine (and Donbass) – if Americans did not muddied “Maidan”.
And “Maidan” they made because they needed a strike force against Russia.
At the time, the West has created an anti-Soviet striking force of Nazi Germany (another thing is that Hitler was not a very obedient puppet and severely broke someone’s plans at the initial stage).
Now the role of the fist was given to Ukraine.
In fact – not by the Americans to fight against the Russian!..

But the Kremlin acted quickly and harshly.
Therefore, anti-shock fist of the Ukraine did not happen.

Of course, it is fashionable to blame Moscow in lack of determination, and in not forming a large Novorossia, Donbass to the Danube and from Kharkiv to Odessa.

But let’s remember the story and ask yourself: if the Soviet Union was the global confrontation with the strongest capitalist superpower, in 1935, 15 years after the end of the Civil war?
The answer is simple – no, not ready. Therefore, even Republican Spain was unable to defend. And the CER to the Japanese conceded. And with Hitler a non-aggression Pact signed (for which Stalin deserves only gratitude).
However, in the General voltage, with the active construction industry and the armed forces, in spite of the best all round delaying the beginning of the great war – the Soviet Union was set up in 1941, the face of the most serious challenges.
And today, we are unhappy that Putin has not gone to extreme measures 15 years after the end of Yeltsin’s demo-Nazi Sabbath in 2015…

Though, the main deal was done. The main task is completed. Ukraine is the most relaxed. Two Ukrainian eggs (DND and LNR) is firmly clamped in the Kremlin fist. And only Moscow will be decided when the fist harder, and when to loosen the grip.

Yes, today they say that in Ukraine, it turns out, Russian is not cut, and that the radicals like Lyashko and Tyahnybok does not have significant support in society.
But it is precisely NOW, when Russia inflicted a terrible blow on the brain svidomo, forcing them to comprehend that massacre no permit and that Tyagnibok and Lyashko Ukraine before a fall.
If not for the quick and decisive actions of the Kremlin, which brought to life the monkeys and forced them to shit in fear for their own skins – would be a likely massacre. And not only the Russian population. And in Kiev, in the presidential chair – sat would precisely Tyagnibok and ljashko and not Poroshenko.

As for Poroshenko – is certainly in the slightest degree not a friend of Russia.
But the Ukrainian Yeltsin will omit their country, which Ukraine, by definition there can be a serious threat to Russia.
Today this is enough.

As for the war in Syria, we have to remember than at the time he faced Russia that the time has not eliminated the Chechen abscess. The result – in Russian cities, the terrorists blew up the house and seized the hospital.
Therefore in the Kremlin, a thousand times right when we beat the Islamists, far beyond Russia. And hit with precision weapons, without loss to the Russian troops.
Of course, there will be a long time to keep fighting. Soon the tale told, but not soon deal done.
But let the war away from our borders. And let it is war by proxy.

So I wrote at the time.
And now I want to add: in Syria, war is waged not only against the Islamists.
Syria is the Vietnam of our days.
In Syria there is a hot front of the cold war. There the West is opposed to Russia. Just as he stood up to the Soviet Union in Vietnam and previously in Korea. And before the Second World war – in Spain.
It passes through Syria today, the Russo-American front.
And it is good that she is there. Because otherwise, it would be raging in the Donbass. And if you are not in the Donbass – then in Chechnya. And if you are not in Chechnya, so Moscow and Volgodonsk.
The Kremlin is well understood that basic truth that the enemy must hold back on the distant approaches – otherwise, you will have to hold back on others. Or right on the doorstep of his home…
Because in the Donbass, and there is at least relative silence – that in Syria there are fights.
Just like during the Vietnam war, a long, stubborn and bloody – in the Soviet Union people did not know such concepts as war, bombing, refugees.
What would a rich country nor was the United States – even they can not afford to be active in the war in several parts of the globe.
The more that U.S. citizens are accustomed to a certain standard of living and the collapse of this level – will not get away with any, even the most popular President.
Therefore, until there are fights in Syria – in other parts of the world, if not fully, at least relative silence.
I guess I think very cynically. The Syrians of course it’s a pity – humanly.
But Russian blood I regret still more.
In the end – not Russia, sparked this war in Syria…

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