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Surefire ways to normalize blood pressure in hypertension

Верные способы нормализации давления при гипертонииHypertension is a serious disease causing mass health issues.

From high blood pressure suffer lots of people. If you do not pay attention to hypertension and not to take care of your health, in the future, a person can have a stroke or heart attack. It is dangerous to treat hypertension alone, medical supervision in this case is vital. Hypertension often subjected people with excess body mass and sedentary lifestyle, as well as those who abuse alcohol, smokes, eats properly, the climate and so on.

How to normalize blood pressure at home:

1. The use of oatmeal. Every day high blood pressure doctors suggest to eat oatmeal. This product is able to normalize blood pressure if it is increased, and to maintain it continuously in the norm.

2. Beets in fresh and cooked form is very useful for blood vessels and blood. Thanks to this product improves the blood circulation as the arteries dilate, so the pressure will gradually decrease.

3. Enrichment of the diet with foods containing vitamin C. Scientists have conducted a lot of research in order to find out the best way to reduce blood pressure in hypertension, and they were able to determine that vitamin C, when consumed every day can significantly reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Plus, vitamin C strengthens the immune system, so it is useful not only hypertensive patients, but also all other people.

4. Compresses with Apple cider vinegar. This proven by many hypertensive patients method quickly restores blood pressure, bringing it back to normal. You will need Apple cider vinegar and two cloth napkins. Wet a napkin in vinegar and apply them to your feet for 15-20 minutes. After removing the compresses, you will immediately feel better.

5. A decoction of rose hips or green tea. These drinks can be consumed high blood pressure every day, and in the case of high blood pressure. They have diuretic properties that positively influence the blood circulation.

6. Chokeberry in the literal sense of words struggling with high blood pressure, lowering its level to normal.

7. Cranberry juice. If you have a greatly increased pressure, do not rush to take medication, enough to drink a glass of cranberry juice and after 10-20 minutes you will feel relieved, because the pressure will decrease.

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