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Strange traditions associated with the wedding night. Photo

Странные традиции, связанные с первой брачной ночью. ФотоThey are used in our time.

While the wedding celebration is filled with events and rituals, the first night associated only with the mystery for two. But in some cultures, in a night action except for the bride and groom, attended by many more people.

Fans of historical films may be familiar with the night part of the wedding ritual of the eighteenth century. In this group of dark priests, gentlemen and ladies surrounded by a new couple in the midst of the mysteries of love. But there are many other, much more resilient practices that bring variety to this special night. Here are some of the most bizarre, ridiculous and absolutely inconvenient traditions of the wedding night:

Indian bedspreads

Странные традиции, связанные с первой брачной ночью. Фото

In the night game Indian bride hiding under the covers in the bedroom, surrounded by members of his family. The groom came into the room with their relatives and tried to determine which party covers conceal the face and some legs. The bride’s family tried to confuse the young man and send him on a false trail. If he knew where the head of the bride, according to the sign, he will live on equal terms with the bride throughout the marriage. If the bride accidentally chose legs, it was doomed to serve the bride (falling at her feet) the rest of my life.

Scottish cheese

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In Scotland there was once a tradition to take to bed for good luck cheese. A pound of Limburg cheese, crushed between the towels, creating a distinctive flavor.

Chinese Apple

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In societies that cherish their virginity, a popular wedding games to ease the anxiety of the newlyweds before the first night. Custom “Nao Dongfang”, which appeared two thousand years ago in China, is practiced still. The family of the bride and groom taught a young couple to close with a number of games and “dirty jokes”. For example, the couple needs to bite an Apple dangling in front of them on a string. This eventually leads to a kiss, often triggered by pulling of the fruit for the string at the last moment.

French soup in the toilet

Странные традиции, связанные с первой брачной ночью. Фото

The French tradition of “Le Pot de Chambre” dates back to the toilet pots, wedding sent the newlyweds to their room clean pot. It pitted the alcohol and food on the table that was to serve as fuel for a long night together.
This tradition continues to this day, already matching the modern standards of hygiene. A young couple is still as pranks can give the toilet, but most often it is the pot, resembling it in form. It is filled with chocolate fondue or champagne. Sometimes throw scraps of toilet paper or skins of the bananas to create more authenticity.

Serenade for newlyweds in the United States and Canada

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There is an old French custom of the inhabitants of the city roared loudly and yelling at night outside the newlyweds home if those suspected of adultery or other shameful offenses. The tradition was transferred to America during the French colonization. But if earlier “Serenade” used to show their disapproval of the marriage, now screaming, singing loudly and banging pots in order to tease the couple in the form of a friendly, albeit annoying prank.

Fish for Korean grooms

Странные традиции, связанные с первой брачной ночью. Фото

In Korea, friends of the groom come together to provide that “help” on our wedding night. The ceremony is as follows: friends take a couple socks, tie his feet and beaten on the soles of the fish. Often use dried fish, Corvina, which can be up to a meter long. During the game, the groom is questioned, and if his answers seem unsatisfactory friends, its beat stronger. It is considered that the beating of a fish acts on the groom as “viagra” that helps you better spend your wedding night.

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