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Strange things instead of money. Photo

Странные вещи, которыми пользовались вместо денег. ФотоUnusual familiar equivalents of us money.

Cash and cash equivalents has always played a huge role in people’s lives. At various times they used a rather unusual objects and things that replaced them money. Moreover, such alternative currency existed not only ancient times. Some of them I still use today. You can learn about several unusual items, which are the replacement for the usual money.

The Rai Stones. The Island Of YAP, Micronesia. For several millennia, there is money and use large circular disks carved out of limestone.

Странные вещи, которыми пользовались вместо денег. Фото

A brick of tea. China, Mongolia, Tibet and Central Asia. Since the 19th century, it was replaced with money bricks of tea. They were made from crushed tea leaves, which were placed into molds and pressed. The tradition ceased to exist after world war II.

Странные вещи, которыми пользовались вместо денег. Фото

Canadian money tire. Canada. They originated in 1958 as a kind of bonus to the company’s customers Canadian Tire. These bonus coupons can be cashed at the company’s stores. The concept became so popular that other companies started to accept Canadian Tire money. These “paper” is used to this day.

Странные вещи, которыми пользовались вместо денег. Фото

The Parmesan. Emilia — Romagna, Northern Italy. The local Bank Credito Emiliano accepts Parmesan as collateral for loans. In the warehouses of the Bank has already accumulated 17 000 tons of cheese. Curiously, all this cheese has its own serial number so that stolen cheese can be tracked.

Странные вещи, которыми пользовались вместо денег. Фото

Corks from bottles. Cameroon. In 2005 in Cameroon, a brewery organized a campaign, during which customers could win prizes that are marked on the back of beer caps. Competitors decided not to lag behind and to do the same. In the end, virtually every cap from a beer allowed to win something. People even began to use a cover with the prizes, to pay for the taxi ride.

Странные вещи, которыми пользовались вместо денег. Фото

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