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Speculative Central Bank ready for ruble devaluation

Now the markets calm. It seems that the markets have reached their maximum values, the ruble has stabilized. Like danger

wait and nowhere.

Спекулятивно ЦБ готов к девальвации рубля

But if you follow the actions of our Central Bank, it is possible to draw some interesting conclusions that we’re on the verge good nix…

According to the latest reports, the Central Bank has actively been sold on the OFZ market. Decipher for those who don’t know, it’s Federal loan bonds. This is the most reliable Russian securities at this time. So, the Central Bank has sold a significant portion of OFZ bonds from its portfolio on the secondary market. Part OFZs transferred to the Bank after the liquidation of several banks, through withdrawal of their licenses. As said the representative of the Central Bank, this was done in a planned manner, and to control the liquidity in the market to control inflation…

However, BFL is not nothing but a public debt of Russia, and if they lie in the portfolio at the Central Bank, it turns out the government can even save on the interest payments on these securities. But nevertheless they are sold in the secondary market.

Of course at any time you can from this secondary market and repurchase. The only question is at what price. For example, the ideal option would be to repurchase them at a lower price, and at the same time again to win in price! -)) But where such confidence that prices can be lower? On the market can be everything. Again, now no one is waiting no crash, all waiting for the upward movement.

However, who follow economic news in the world can see how much accumulated negativity. Lower prices for Russian OFZ could be only in the event of a collapse in world markets. And the Central Bank possesses such information. And as a speculator he plays correctly. -))

Yes there is one, but any collapse will be accompanied by the fall of the ruble, or simply just to be devalued. And the Central Bank is technically ready for it! One of my friend wrote that all my posts about future devaluation is a fake, or just my imagination. What I write does not mean that everything will happen right tomorrow. This can happen at any time. The negativity in the economy accumulated. Try different ways to contain, but reserves are not eternal.

Collapses in the markets are usually sharp. So we simply just can one morning Wake up with a different rate of the ruble…

By the way this winter, with the dollar around 85, our industry started to show signs of life. Now all growth just disappeared.

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