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Specific dishes that are popular in different countries of the world. Photo

Специфические блюда, которые любят в разных странах мира. ФотоNot all will be there.

We all have very different taste preferences. Part of what makes our world so interesting and diverse. So, different cultures can have completely opposite tastes. It is not surprising that not all foreigners understand our addiction to fat, aspic, vinaigrette and other specific dishes. Suggest you learn what dishes of national cuisines of different countries may like not for everyone.

Salmiakki candy, Finland. This is an unusual pastilles, which are made from ammonia and hydrochloric acid. Although they must try for every tourist, not the fact that you will enjoy this treat.

Специфические блюда, которые любят в разных странах мира. Фото

Hatanaka, Japan. This rice crackers with wasps. Here also often eat the larvae of bees. It is considered a delicacy. The larvae are boiled with sugar and soy sauce, canned, roasted on skewers, like kebabs, and make sushi with them.

Специфические блюда, которые любят в разных странах мира. Фото

Natto, Japan. Here also cherish a very special passion for fermented products. So, the Japanese like natto – fermented soy beans.

Специфические блюда, которые любят в разных странах мира. Фото

“Butter bombs for the brave of heart”, USA. The name speaks for itself. You will be offered butter in the dough with honey and cinnamon, deep fried.

Специфические блюда, которые любят в разных странах мира. Фото

Jelly salad, USA. In this “salad” can add a variety of ingredients: carrots, pepper, eggs, cheese, tuna, olives.

Специфические блюда, которые любят в разных странах мира. Фото

Salad with Snickers, USA. Who would have thought that sneakers can become the basis for an unusual salad. Add fruit and whipped cream.

Специфические блюда, которые любят в разных странах мира. Фото

Surströmming, Sweden is preserved pickled herring. It smells very specific.

Специфические блюда, которые любят в разных странах мира. Фото

The Vegemite, Australia is a favourite dish in Australia. In fact it is a thick dark paste from the remnants of the beer wort.

Специфические блюда, которые любят в разных странах мира. Фото

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