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Soon it turns out that this Russian came up with the Holocaust

Anti-Russian propaganda is growing: Russia is accused of all mortal sins, no matter the facts or just common sense, says Vladimir Lepekhin.

Vladimir Lepekhin

Judging by the abundance of recent absurd charges, will soon be announced that this Russian came up with the Inquisition, the witch hunts, the guillotine, the slave trade, concentration camps, gas chambers, the Holocaust, the electric chair, genocide, Napalm, and attack drones. And generally, that Russian crucified Christ, and Christ himself was a Ukrainian and an ardent admirer of Bandera.

Putin ordered the shoot down of the Malaysian “Boeing”, and Yanukovych shot Maidan activists died in the House of trade unions burned themselves, and the militia of Donbass special shoot at schools and kindergartens with their own children… These and many other similar “messages” in Ukrainian and Western media — not just fakes. They have nothing to do with agitation and propaganda, for it represents a cynical pereviranie events, the true purpose of which is not even victory in the information war, for example, with Russia, but something much more ambitious. We are talking about a purposeful transformation of the consciousness of Western people to tick the three “D” — disinformation, defamation and discrediting of a mess. The pioneers of these technologies aim to ensure that mass consciousness was in the end unable to digest not just contradictory, but deliberately distorting and reaching the point of absurdity messages.

As a result, should a system failure occur internal evaluative and regulatory programs and traditional age-old values with complete loss of man’s ability not only to critical perception of the world, but also to elementary events.

Exactly and there are zombies — creatures able to build their lives on command, a code from TV, or mobile phone. Only in this way, obeying the imposed clichés and commands, and begins to live a homo consumer — a modern mass man of the West.


Modern Ukraine — an extreme manifestation of this indoctrination, because the technology embedding mass consciousness in the framework of a primitive schemes (“Ukraine TSE Europe!”, “Kill the Moskal!”, etc.) and etching this awareness of the capacity for reflection is superimposed on the corresponding and artfully caused by the highly emotional Russophobic and anti-Russian sentiment is a large part of the citizens of this country.

For example, the Ukrainian “Democrats” we are convinced that to argue with a zombie is meaningless. After all, the “generation of independence”, alas, programmed to think and understand what is happening, and to chewing and jumping. It is no accident most “freezed” the soldiers supporters of the junta called “cyborgs”.

It is pointless to explain the generation of zombies in the categories of modern science, for example, totalitarianism and authoritarianism are two different things; what we see today in Russia relative authoritarian government, which is based not so much on authoritarian methods of governance, but rather on the authority of the leader, has nothing to do with totalitarianism. And totalitarianism is becoming more and more obvious attribute not Russia, but the globalizing West. It is pointless to explain that authoritarianism is less evil compared to totalitarianism, and promoted in Ukraine the ideas of Nazism, the essence of the fundamental instruments of freedom and violence, doctrinaire political and socio-cultural unification.

Pointless to prove zombified characters, that Russia is not an Empire. It is possible to present Russophobia the Constitution, which clearly state that Russia is a Federation, and to bring a thousand arguments to prove the thesis that the Russian leadership today has neither the capacity nor the desire to revive the Imperial format statehood. But handled appropriately, the mass consciousness of the Westerner will remain in his.

Contrary to logic and common sense, that consciousness will come from the fact that modern Empire is not surrounded by the colonies of the United States with their desire for total control and forced the establishment of a worldwide loyal Pro-American regimes, and closed on Russia, stretching all and every arm of equal partnership.

And since arguing with zombies and cyborgs pointless, it makes no sense to argue in favor of the judgment made above about the beginning of netcrate West large-scale twisting of the global information space in a tight knot of meaningless rhetoric and conflicting interpretations. Makes sense just to explain the reason why in Europe and in Ukraine, is multiplying the number of fans of lies, like the one that give inveterate Russophobes like Yatsenyuk and Schetyna.

The fact that the lie of event format is used, over time, lose efficiency. So, today more and more people in the West begin to understand who really knocked Malaysian Boeing, whose snipers fired at the activists of the Maidan, and who kill in the cities of new Russia women and children.

Provocation at the level of “the militia fired on a bus near Volnovakha” or “the militia themselves fired at bus stop in Donetsk” has clearly not achieve the desired effect: even the UN Secretary General starts picking expressions to the defenders of the South-East of Ukraine. Hence the nervousness of overseas puppeteers and they have initiated the beginning of a new phase of zombie inhabitants, larger and more sophisticated. In the transition from the mass race on the Maidan to attack the value framework of the modern world. Therefore we see the statement Yatsenyuk about the Soviet Union, allegedly occupied the Ukraine and Germany, and subsequent cynical passages and Komorowski Schetyna about the liberation of Auschwitz by the Ukrainians.


In fact, having taken last year the authorities in Kiev — Galicians are the descendants of those Galician nationalists, with the active participation of which in the years of the First world war; it was used first on the European continent Talerhof concentration camp, created specifically for the destruction of Russian sympathizers and Russian people. And today, they again staged a genocide against the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine, taking as a banner and the national idea of the primitive habits of a village lad of Stepan Bandera.

The foreign Minister of Poland is definitely not an idiot. He certainly knows on which side in World war II were Bandera, and who actually liberated Auschwitz and Poland, and Europe. But it is not by chance the speech he wrote to the British agent. But because, I think, Schetyna deliberately contrasted today’s Russia is not the Soviet Ukrainians in the red army, and those who now strengthens in Ukraine ethnocratic Ukrainians, that is, the Galicians, and in fact — Bandera.

It turns out, the meaning of the statement of the chief Polish diplomat is the assertion that “Bandera liberated Auschwitz”, and they are, therefore, not the Nazis, and the cherubim.


That can be a continuation of this perversion of meaning?

Obviously, the series that such public statements: the Russian created in Europe dozens of concentration camps for political opponents and prisoners of war, the Russians invented and carried out the Holocaust; and in the concentration camps they destroyed in the first place, Ukrainians, Germans, poles, Lithuanians, Latvians and representatives of other freedom-loving peoples.

The PACE deputies have been fed, the European public fables that Hitler attacked Russia only in order to pre-empt Stalin’s attack on Germany. Apparently, today, the PACE intends to go further and to declare by the mouth of another political police that Russian is treacherously attacked by Germany in June 1941, on the way tripping over Belarusian Brest fortress, which heroically defended European values in the confrontation with Russian occupiers.

We can still meet the claim that Russian is planted in Europe, the Nazis, and that Russian bombing burned Dresden and dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the last decade strongly entice NATO to the East, to the naive peace-loving members of the Alliance suffered the fate of Napoleon.

While what trifles something? You need to declare — and better at the UN — that is Russian crucified Christ, and Christ himself was a Ukrainian by the name of Hricko and ardent admirer of Bandera, which, in turn, was the world’s first cosmonaut. A more insidious Russians invented the Inquisition, the witch hunts, the guillotine, the slave trade, concentration camps, gas attacks and gas chambers (they have the same — Gazprom!), The Holocaust, the electric chair, Napalm, phosphorous bombs, drone attacks and genocide. Well, the claim that all of the above was invented and first used by “civilized” Europe and the United States and often against Russia, declare the Kremlin’s propaganda.

It is known that a lie in order to believe in it — must be very large. Now that people finally questioned the existence of truth as such (including the historical truth), it is necessary that a lie has acquired very large dimensions. So the killers became known as the saviors of the cannibals — people of God, Hitler — the liberator of Europe, and Bandera — the heavenly angels in the flesh, spreading over the peaceful cities of Donbass not phosphorus bombs, and Lollipop.

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