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Singapore named the happiest economy in the world

Сингапур назван самой счастливой экономикой мира

Singapore became the happiest economy in the world. This is evidenced by the lowest “misery index” (the misery index, calculated by Bloomberg. It is calculated by the formula: inflation + unemployment.

The annual inflation rate in Singapore was at 1.4 percent, the unemployment rate fell to 1.9 percent — lower than that of Thailand, previously recognized as the “least miserable” country.

The most unhappy country is Venezuela suffering from record inflation.

In February 2016 Ukraine took fifth place in the list of the most miserable economies in the world by Bloomberg.

Venezuela is experiencing a deep economic crisis because of falling world oil prices, which is the main source of foreign exchange earnings. The country’s growing shortage of food products. While inflation in Venezuela more than 180 percent a year.

Economists predict a slowdown in Singapore’s GDP in 2016 to 1.8 percent after rising two percent in the past year. This is due to the decline in regional trade and the slowing of the Chinese economy.

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