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Simple tips to reduce bloating

Простые советы для уменьшения вздутия животаHow to reduce bloating naturally

Regardless of this weight or size of the pants, often, when trying to pull your favorite jeans or skirt, we notice that the abdomen is inflated, causing the clothes becoming too small. This problem may be the result of the accumulation of gases, overeating or a symptom of a particular disease.

In any case, most of us want to avoid this effect. And when it does happen, we strive to resolve it as quickly as possible and return to the feeling of lightness. Want to learn how to reduce bloating naturally?

1. Reduce salt intake

Excessive salt intake is a major cause fluid retention, which not only makes us feel heavier, but often causes inflammation of the stomach. Salt in the composition of seasonings, processed foods, mayonnaise or any other product is always the enemy of health and of an organism.

2. Drink more water

You must consume a significant amount of water daily to maintain proper hydration, as well as to deal with the content of the liquid. Experts recommend drinking at least 2 litres of water a day, because it will also help to prevent constipation, which is another cause of bloating.

3. Eat slowly

It is very important to find the time to eat slowly and chew food thoroughly. This habit promotes good digestion, and thus we can prevent bloating. In addition, those who are well chewing on food, you feel hungry for a long time, what keeps them from wanting to eat all the time.

4. Avoid carbonated beverages

Carbonated soft drinks support the presence of gases inside our body, resulting in bloating and flatulence.

5. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the most useful products which we can add to the diet because they are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are necessary for the proper functioning of our bodies.
These foods improve digestion, prevent fluid retention, help to burn fat and fight bad bloating. Most doctors recommend eating carrots, oranges, melon and peaches.

6. Reduce the intake of foods that produce gases

Some products, despite the fact that they are very nutritious, can cause such annoying problems like gases, bloating and flatulence. Among these products are: baked beans, peas, lentils, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, regular cabbage, onions and sweet peppers.
However, it is not recommended to completely eliminate them from the diet, as they are very good for health, but you may want to reduce their consumption, for example, when you have an important event where you don’t want to suddenly feel bloated and to go out with a distended stomach.

7. Avoid fried foods

Fried food is digested slowly and causes bloating. High in fat and sodium can lead to weight gain and fluid retention.

8. Eat small portions

To prevent bloating you should eat in small portions, divided into several meals, because scaled-down meals is easier to digest and do not cause bloating.

9. Consume a moderate amount of fiber

Cellulose is one of the most recommended products to promote good digestion and avoid such problems as constipation. Experts recommend to consume foods rich in fibre to reduce bloating, lose weight and feel full. However, you should not consume excessive amounts of fiber, as it can cause bloating.

10. Exercise

Exercise is the best way to shape the abdomen and in General to improve the health of the whole organism. Physical activity improves digestive function, reduces constipation, combats fluid retention, helps with weight loss and generally gives us a sense of well-being that improves our quality of life. In order that the abdomen was flat, you can do exercises that focus on the abdominal area.

11. Juices can help to reduce bloating

Some juices can also quickly to help reduce bloating, that figure was more flat, slim and attractive.

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