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Simple secrets of youth and longevity from the Chinese doctors

Простые секреты молодости и долголетия от китайских медиковChinese scientists have named the 6 secrets of longevity.

Is it possible to remain young at 60? Is it possible to live to a hundred years? How not to get chronic diseases that often accompany advanced age?

The answers to these questions knows traditional Chinese medicine.

For centuries the emperors of China sought the recipe for eternal life or at least longevity, reports obozrevatel.com. On the orders of the rulers, scientists engaged in lengthy studies, the results of which have survived and been enriched by the achievements of modern science.

Doctors of traditional Chinese medicine believe that the Foundation of our health in old age is laid in a relatively short period of time: men at the age from 30 to 50, and women — from 40 to 60 years.

Studies show that the tendency of each of us to chronic diseases is growing every year, but the rate of approach to the “threshold of risk” is not the same. So graduating, usually at the age of 25, students — as immature fruit are full of energy, enthusiasm and faith in the future. In this age category the percentage of chronic diseases is extremely low, and the difference between individuals is negligible. But, if you look at former students 20 years from now when they almost have reached their fiftieth birthday, it is easy to notice that each approaching the half-century milestone with different results. Some made a brilliant career, others have realized their business and creative ideas, one remains that is called, “the broken trough”, and some people even left this world. What is the reason for these differences? According to Chinese doctors, the most important is the way of life at the age of 40 years.

Survey results forty patients showed that 9.9 percent of them affected by chronic diseases; among 45-year-old this figure is much higher — at 20.9%. Such a rapid increase in the percentage of incidence in only 5 years is frightening. Chinese statistics show that men and women these indicators are different: the most striking example is the situation with cardiovascular diseases. Autopsy studies have shown that peak development of atherosclerosis in men are at the age between 30 to 50 years, women — from 40 to 60. During this period two-thirds of humanity suffer from atherosclerosis of varying severity. Of course, the data obtained as a result of anatomical studies, rather than clinical observations, however, Chinese doctors are convinced it is at this time, the pace of development of chronic diseases, the most high, and health are the most vulnerable to various risks. But it is precisely on this period in both men and women have “Golden time”: the emergence of life, family, career achievement. This time collecting a rich harvest of life. To keep the balance, namely, to realize our potential and not get sick — the exam that each of us takes a lifetime.

The secret of youth, according to Chinese doctors, is to reach the 60th anniversary, without making a disease. And, therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself in “the key twentieth anniversary”.

The main method of preservation of health and youth is through good nutrition. So, Chinese nutritionists recommend:

Eat less salt.

Of course, salt is essential for proper operation of all internal organs. But the problem is that the body of most people is saturated with salt, we tend to consume much more than is required. Accumulated surplus causes irreparable harm. On average our body requires 12-15 grams of salt a day. We do daily “ahead of the norm” no less than three times. And this is extremely dangerous. To compensate for the excess salt can be following two conditions: year-round, there are 5-6 times more fresh vegetables and drink water, rich in minerals. The daily amount you drink should be doubled. By the way, all the Chinese national dishes that contain salt, pepper, hot spices, always served with lots of juicy vegetables. The cult of the cold appetizers fresh vegetables are less common than hot and spicy delicacies. The glut of body salt causes tremendous harm to the kidneys, heart, arteries. In violation of metabolic processes in the body accumulates excess fluid, edema develops and — as an inevitable consequence appears overweight. Excessive salt consumption is the surest path to coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Eat foods, easily changing its chemical composition.

For example, starchy foods or dishes prepared with a high content of oil, peanut, legumes, meat, fish. But the main thing — everything should be fresh. Expired products in any case can not be eaten. This can lead to diarrhoea, vomiting, dizziness, hallucinations and even cancer. In addition, this inevitably leads to premature aging.

Particularly harmful effects on the human body, according to Chinese physicians, has a scale that remains after boiling water.

Therefore, all our teacups and teapots especially after eating should be thoroughly washed, to prevent the formation on them of toxic sludge and plaque. If you drink tea made from unwashed or poorly washed or mug to boil water in the kettle untreated, the harmful substances on the vessel walls, will have a detrimental effect on digestion, neural activity, blood circulation and urination, and hasten aging. Experts examined the scale and found that the walls of the unwashed mugs and the long-used dummies settle such harmful elements as mercury, aluminium and even arsenic.

Harmful to the body and the so-called acidic or oxidizing fats.

Such fats are found, for example, in the oil, which was used for frying fish, shrimp or meat. Long-term storage of such products leads to the oxidation of their components. Fats with a modified, malicious composition also contains at the dried fish, pickled meat, expired cookies, cakes, in some varieties of noodles and pasta. Laminating in the body, fatty acid lead to disruption of acid-base balance, immune system damage and, as a consequence, to the acceleration of aging.

Cooking foods in boiling oil is bad for health!

Many Chinese nutritionists draw attention to the fact that in China temperature and fire power cookers are twice higher than in Europe. Frying on high heat leads to the formation of oil-butadiene, part of which, decaying, turning into soot and smoke. By the way, studies have shown that frying is the least harmful impact on the chemical composition of the products have peanut oil and corn oil. But the sunflower butadiene emit 22 times more!

The last factor, leading to premature aging, which is particularly relevant during the Christmas holidays is alcoholic beverages.

Using these simple guidelines Chinese doctors, it is possible not only to avoid diseases, but also to achieve “eternal youth” and even to live a hundred years!

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