Home / Business / Seven Christian saints that were in space after his death

Seven Christian saints that were in space after his death

Семь христианских святых, побывавших в космосе после своей смерти

You’d be surprised, but some even after his death, have time to do more than many in a lifetime. As the Orthodox and the Catholic saints were able to visit space? Why was this done? It is not clear!

The relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov went into space in 2016

Monk of the monastery of Sarov, the founder and patron of the monastery Diveyevo. Glorified by the Russian Church in 1903 in the face of the monk on the initiative of Tsar Nicholas II. Is one of the most revered Orthodox saints.

He was born in 1754 in Kursk, in the family of a wealthy merchant eminent Moshnina Isidore and his wife Agatha.

Died January 2, 1833 at the age of 78 years.

After 183 years has been to space. Ie he is not, of course, but part of the relics.

Семь христианских святых, побывавших в космосе после своей смерти

In 2013, during new space mission Fyodor Yurchikhin in orbit visited the relics of St. George the victorious

George the victorious — Christian Saint, Martyr, the most revered Saint of this name. Suffered during the Great persecution under the Emperor Diocletian, after eight days of severe punishment in the year 303, was beheaded.

Via 1710 a part of George has been to space.

Семь христианских святых, побывавших в космосе после своей смерти

In 2011-2012, the expedition took place with the participation of cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov, on the ISS there were relics of saints Philip and of Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow

Peter – Metropolitan of Kiev and all Russia, the first Metropolitan of Kiev, who had (1325) resident in Moscow. Called Latinskim.

Metropolitan Peter was born in the second half of the XIII century. Died in 1326.

Via 685 years after his death, went into space.

Семь христианских святых, побывавших в космосе после своей смерти

Metropolitan Phillip II

Bishop of the Russian Church, Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia from 1566 to 1568, is known for denouncing the misdeeds of the guardsmen of Ivan the terrible.

Born February 11, 1507. Died 23 Dec 1569 at the age of 62 years.

Through 442 after death went into space.

Семь христианских святых, побывавших в космосе после своей смерти

In 2010, along with cosmonaut Fyodor by urainum visited the relics of saints Theodore Stratelates and Theodore the recruit

Theodore Stratelates is a Christian Saint, revered in the face of the Martyr. Memory in the Orthodox Church takes place on 8 February and 8 June, in the Catholic Church 7 Feb. The Holy GreatMartyr Theodore Stratelates, who died shortly before the victory of the apostles of Emperor Constantine over the execution of Theodore Emperor-pagan litsiniy.

Theodore died on 8 February 319. Visited the space through 1691, the year after his death.

Семь христианских святых, побывавших в космосе после своей смерти

Theodore of tyre is a Christian Saint, revered in the face of martyrs.

Killed on 17 February 306. Through 1704, after the death of the visited space.

Семь христианских святых, побывавших в космосе после своей смерти

In 2008-2009, visited the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh

Sergius of Radonezh – monk of the Russian Church, the founder of several monasteries, including the Holy Trinity monastery near Moscow.

Sergius of Radonezh died on 25 September 1392. Via 616 years has been to space.

Семь христианских святых, побывавших в космосе после своей смерти

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