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Service “Child rent” for childless couples.


Услуга "Ребенок в аренду" для бездетных пар.

To feel the taste of the dish, it needs to try. To feel it, and with it the need to live. And if you want to understand whether you child is to use the “Child rent”. Very accessible, very clear and very helpful. I’m sure this service will find its consumers in the shortest possible time. I realize that sounds a little weird, but why not? Personally, I would spend a little money to test their feelings and understand, ready any time soon to become a father.

The essence of service is that people without experience the birth and upbringing of the child can quickly plunge into the atmosphere of family life. For example, the lives of the people and does not know if he will be the father, or the girl may not fully understand, it has some lyrical sense of play, or she actually wants a baby? The case for small: to take the money, book a rental at the right time to be home to receive the ordered service.

It seems to me, the child, accompanied by parents need to bring home to the couple, if we are talking about several hours of the lease., or a young couple come to the house hotel where you can live in a family with a child longer. Naturally, the child will be under full-time surveillance cameras and the parents, but feed him, change diapers, clean up after him, etc. customers will be! Similarly, they will be obliged to entertain the baby, walk him on the street and otherwise take care of him.

Additionally, clients receive a series of master-classes how to properly care for the child, to entertain and promote development. As planned, this mix of theory and practice that is called “on the spot”. You can also take the clients on a short excursion into the financial side of the issue, telling how much pregnancy, childbirth, feeding and treatment of Chad. Not with words moms and dads who really want grandchildren, and the words of real families that have successfully passed this way and are willing to share their experiences with others.

I think too many people confuse their dreams with reality. For example, setting there, lady, and believes that right now give her a baby, because it is fashionable among her friends was. But as soon as the lady will come in center (it will bring the husband, if the mind), and the baby will vomit on her fashionable blouse, that’s where it will become clear essence: she’s ready to be a mom or be in a loud voice to shout: “Christian Dior, I’m so-sorry this juvenile asshole!”. Similarly, you and the guy to check out, offering him to change the diapers in need of assistance cheeked baby.

I think that the cost of the service must also be symbolic. For example, 10 000 rubles per session in 10-12 hours and about 50 000 rubles per session for 3-4 days in the house hotel. After all, serious as the issue is solved. But paid the same amount, checked themselves and their feelings, and live with serenity, without any further doubt.

Difficulties are there, too, but they are more organizational. For example, as to legalize such a service? Do not write “rent a child”?)) Most likely, this is just a service contract nurses with an additional charge. That is, formally, the family hires a nanny or nannies with their Supplement. Someone will ask: “what prevents the pair to find a family and to test your feelings for free. Nothing, but when the service is created by professionals, less risk to some neprognoziruemami the outcome! For example, the family will receive trusted clients and customers will know that “go” to a normal family with a child.

As you see, there is a future for such services? What should be the value to be of interest to you?

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