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Scientists told how to reduce the risk of early death

Ученые рассказали, как снизить риск ранней смертиIt turned out that to protect them from premature death will help the plants.

Scientists at Harvard University (USA) during his recent studies have concluded that indoor plants reduce the risk of premature death. By the way, the same applies to green spaces, planted around the house.

The researchers analyzed a huge amount of data on the health status. Information collected for 8 years from 2000 to 2008. Evaluated the condition of the female sex. The aim of the study was to determine how the presence of plants in the home affects life expectancy. Note, scientists took into account nationality, social status, lifestyle studied.

What were the results? As it turned out, those who lived in the green areas, 34% less likely to have undergone a premature death. In addition, 13% fewer women were confirmed risk of cancer. Draw conclusions – surround ourselves with house plants. The benefit is obvious – nice and cool.

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