Home / Medicine / Scientists told about the benefits of kissing health

Scientists told about the benefits of kissing health

Ученые рассказали о пользе поцелуев для здоровьяWhen the kiss is an exchange of bacteria, the immune system begins to actively produce antibodies.

Today, everyone can “exchange their souls” with full rights — 6 July is world kiss day the World Kiss Day or World/International Kissing Day), which was first invented in the UK. A couple of decades ago, it was approved by the United Nations. In many cities this day are various competitions kisses, participants have the chance to win various prizes and gifts.

A lot of scientists beating the solution of the phenomenon of kisses, was divided into two opposing camps. Some argue that kissing is the harm to human health, while others, conversely, argue favor of kissing. Who of them are right, try to understand.

They cause pleasant emotions, blood flow, hormone production. And all? Now, scientists from Japan proved that kisses help with allergies. Put a lot of experiments with subjects. People suffering from allergic diseases for several minutes, kissed, then they had taken a blood test and, to the surprise of scientists the concentration of antibodies decreased!!!

But, opponents of this theory proved that when kissing, when there is an exchange of saliva can be easily infected with various diseases: SARS, influenza and even hepatitis a and B.

Dentists, in turn, claim that the exchange of saliva when kissing a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth, protecting tooth enamel from decay! And yet kiss is a kind of vaccination. After the kiss takes place also the exchange of bacteria, the immune system begins to actively produce antibodies.

They improve blood flow during a kiss as if a person is doing breathing exercises, making more deep breaths, the blood cells are saturated with oxygen, and this has a positive effect on the brain.

When the kiss involved a lot of face muscles and jaw, which helps to burn about 30 calories if you kiss for at least 1 minute. Than not a great way to lose weight?

Plus all the above you can add that kissing reduces blood pressure and even cholesterol, which leads to a reduction of heart attacks.

Kissing increases the tone and stands out the so – called hormone of happiness- endorphin, it has a detrimental effect on the stress hormone – cortisol, which means kissing people – optimistic, stress resistant and confident. In addition, produce endorphins that can reduce sensitivity to pain.

And yet still there are disputes about the dangers or benefits of kissing. Sincere kisses not possible without mutual feelings, and awareness of the importance for a loved one increases our self-esteem and makes us a little better! Remember, passionate kisses with the person you love will bring you much more good than harm.

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