Home / Medicine / Scientists have proven the benefits of music for brain children

Scientists have proven the benefits of music for brain children

Ученые доказали пользу музыки для мозга детей The study lasted five years.

Employees of the University of southern California, located in the US, found that learning to play a musical instrument accelerates the development of children’s brain. The report presented the study’s lead author Assal Habibi.

According to the specialist, pupils have engaged in this kind of work, much more active working parts of the brain responsible for processing sound, speech perception and reading skills. This is indicated by a five-year study, conducted jointly with the Philharmonic society of Los Angeles.

Experts believe that music should be taught in schools. At the same time, many educational institutions located on the territory of the United States, abandon it, replacing it with the other.

To confirm their assumptions, the researchers selected a group of volunteers, which included children who attend music clubs and football training, as well as pupils, abandon extra-curricular activities. After experimental MRI.

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