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Scientists have described how cats and dogs treat the human heart


Ученые рассказали, как кошки и собаки лечат сердце человека
Scientists suggest: the heartbeat of dogs synchronized rhythm with the heartbeat of a person primarily because of the unique nature of the gift these animals.Photo: GLOBAL LOOK PRESS

researchers at the University of Melbourne (Australia) published the results of a curious experiment. Scientists invited the lover along with Pets, hung with heartbeat sensors and placed them in different rooms. First heart and those and others – the situation after all, strangers-began beating fast. When the stress has passed, the animals and their owners “reunited”, was invited to separate offices. The sensors recorded a surprising phenomenon: the hearts of the people and dogs began to fight in the quietest mode and at the same time in unison! Of course, the pulse was different, but the rhythm coincided almost 100%.

MIA Cobb, conducted the experiment, said that he was amazed with the results. After all, they are with scientific precision proved that dogs really have on the hearts of the hosts positive impact.

So what’s the secret? And what other Pets are able to save from a hypertensive crisis or even a heart attack?


Scientists suggest: the heartbeat of dogs synchronized rhythm with the heartbeat of a person primarily because of the unique nature of the gift these animals. After all, dogs are not just our friends. They are madly in love master. Like a person is their mom and dad together. The owner, in turn, is a response. And, as is now proven, even at the level of heart rate. And it’s not just a curious fact. The practical application of this discovery to someone can save a life.

Imagine that a person starts having a heart attack. While waiting for the Ambulance, you need to place the palm in the heart region of your pet. The heart beat will come if not to normal, then at least become less dangerous. And even a few quiet minutes in a critical situation are extremely important.

This is an extreme case. But dogs are literally forced his master to run away from a heart attack or stroke. What happens if a pet is not time to walk? Smelly pile in the apartment. And so the lovers of these animals twice a day walking. Please note, when you walk by the dog areas: it is unclear who is worn more – dogs or their owners. Wards need to be forced to jump over some obstacle. And this is what is called active life. Previously , scientists from new York University Langone proved that dog owners are moving on 54 percent more than the person in whose house there is no animal.

And, as a consequence, the reduction of cholesterol in blood, normalization of blood pressure. And the extra pounds go away without any diets and pills. And, then, one’s heart will work flawlessly much longer.


But what about our other Pets – cats? Do they lose in the struggle for our hearts heckling competitors? And there are in the dispute , British scientists from Edinburgh. They believe: cats reduce risk for cardiovascular diseases is 10% more efficient than … dogs. How so? Because the cat does not need twice a day to ride through the neighboring yards. And, hence, the physical activity of owners is much less. So what’s the solution?

It has long been established: the most common cause of heart attack or stroke – is a daily stress. The tube on the way to work, conflicts with colleagues or boss, a quarrel in the family. But what’s a cat? It turns out, this purr pet daily and absolutely free therapy. It’s like that the treatment with ultrasound, because the frequency of the rumbling is about 20 Hz. And, therefore, lowers pressure, relieves fatigue, normalizes the pulse.

But that’s not all. Cats anticipate the emergence of heart problems. And indicate is definitely attached on the left shoulder of the owner or close to the chest (sometimes on the back).

Researchers even found that it is best for heart diseases spetsializiruyutsya British, Russian blue, Scottish fold and Bengal cats. The leader among the tailed of the doctors was… mongrel yard. In some cases, they can even shoot a sharp pain.



Parrots, hamsters, Guinea pigs and other animals, which can wind up in our apartment also have a healing effect on the heart of the owner. And secret all the same – Pets improve mood, and thus relieve stress. The American heart Association recently released especially statement. According to the representative of the research organization Barbara George, Pets are the best means for socialization, calm the nerves, reduce anxiety and depression. “Pets awaken our best feelings. There are many examples of the fact that four-legged friends improve our health (both mental and physical) and help us live longer and happier,” said Dr. George.




“Animals, like people, get sick. But the clinic in the woods there, and therefore help the animal or bird… find each other.

One day, sitting in a secluded corner of the forest I saw a strange sight. The ant jumped thrush, but never thought to peck at the ants. Drozd pulled to the side wings, funny curled tail, shiroshita, and in this posture with his eyes closed, sitting for ten minutes. Later I saw in the nests of jays, Starling, Wagtail. They all behave almost the same: tossed feathers and clearly relished… the ant heaps of birds freed from pesky parasites. The ants quickly “combed” everything that has accumulated under the pens, simultaneously disinfecting the bird’s body strong smell of acid. Naturalists have noticed: almost half of all forest birds take ant baths!”


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