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Savchenko’s release – a mistake that will turn a lot of blood

Освобождение Савченко - ошибка, которая обернется большой кровью


Kyiv decides that Russian can be quite a kill with impunity.

Outside of our “right-wing skeptics” celebration (the liberals of the question). Though with tears in his eyes, but, nevertheless, their predictions have come true: Hope Savchenko on the loose.

“This all went”, – they say resignedly as if in his defense.

And point to “a distinctive sign” – a truly painful was the maiden on the day of sentencing. Look, I remember when I read out the sentence already some almost forgotten Evgenia Vasilyeva, the said witnesses, at the time of the proclamation of the operative part, already face was – silently began to remove the diamonds.

And here is the fun. Mean – predicted already then experts to sit she will drop even less than a former official in the defense Ministry.

But signs of signs, and still couldn’t believe it. Even when “the process started with a pile of requests from both sides. Too disadvantageous for the image thing, especially on this background information, when by and large unattractive, useless and frankly stupid bouzouki was molded almost “new Bandera”. And after all that the most unpleasant – itself Savchenko in this way is already quite believed and already on arrival in Kiev managed to say as he misses the front…

In the interview with the observer of KM.RUполитолог and publicist Anatoly Wasserman criticized held the release of the scandalous Ukrainian army:

– Personally I for this event is strictly negative attitude and believe the pardon of Nadezhda Savchenko a very serious mistake.

I understand why this exchange it was decided to issue it as a pardon: thus all interested parties show the uniqueness of the event, its atypical, to exclusivity. To show that this was a rare exception to the rule, which is unlikely in the foreseeable future may be repeated.

But unfortunately, this step will be the obvious way interpreted in Kiev as more proof that Russian can kill with impunity in principle. Under Russian I mean, of course, not just our two journalists killed by mortar fire, which corrected Savchenko, but also dozens of Ukrainian citizens were under the same attack.

They are also Russian, because for all unbiased analysts is no longer a secret that the current citizens of Ukraine – this is an obvious and integral part of the Russian people, as the people of any given region of the Russian Federation.

It is significant that while all of this was on both sides framed it as a pardon, but journalists are not randomly and then say, speaking about the exchange. This, again, exchange is, and so we can safely refer to the experience of other countries resorted to exchange their POWs to terrorists.

The most obvious example here is Israel. So just the experience of Israel is quite clearly and undeniably proved that if you are seriously engaged in the exchange of their prisoners of war on terrorists, that very soon the terrorists will specifically catch your citizens as the exchange Fund.

So as much as I want right in their forecasts wrong, but to me it is unlikely to succeed. I have little doubt that in the near future will begin a deliberate hunt for citizens of the Russian Federation for the sake of sharing them, for example, on prisoners of war held by the militia of Donbass.

And it practically does no longer depend on the goodwill and attitudes of someone else – though we, at least our opponents. This thing is simply inevitable.

I don’t know who organised this exchange-pardon, who promoted the idea, who tried to convince our President that this would be the best solution, someone, maybe even pushed him (and I do not exclude that such a controversial decision could be made under pressure of some leaders of the European Union), but in any case, the blood of our citizens, which in the future will be in captivity in Kiev terrorists will be on the hands of those who organized it all.

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