Home / Economy / Russians in a year work more than Germans, Americans and even the Japanese.

Russians in a year work more than Germans, Americans and even the Japanese.

Россияне в год работают больше, чем немцы, американцы и даже японцы.

Russians in a year work more than Germans, Americans and even the Japanese. More than in Russia, in year working hours in Europe only the inhabitants of Greece, such data in its statistics leads the OECD. The productivity of labour in Russia is the lowest.

In the year 1985, the Russian working hours in Germany are 30% less — 1371 hour, this is one of the lowest in the world. The Japanese, who are considered workaholics, work 1729 hours per year 256 hours per year less than the Russians. American has an average of 1789 hours per year. More than Russia, according to the OECD, only work in Mexico (2228 hours), Costa Rica (2216), South Korea (2124), Greece (2042) and Chile (1990).

Labour productivity in Russia is the lowest in Europe. To calculate this indicator, the OECD compares the size of annual GDP over time spent on production a year. In Russia, for the hours the employee produces product for $ 24. The maximum of this index reaches in Luxembourg (92 dollars) and Norway (86 dollars). Lowest in the EU the labour productivity in Latvia and Poland — for 27.6 and $ 30 respectively.

In developed countries labour productivity grows simultaneously with the decrease in the number of work hours. From 1992 to 2014 in Germany began to work on less than 194 hours in Japan — 236 hours, slightly — 31 —decreased the number of working hours in the United States. In Russia, despite economic growth zero, since 1992 began to work for 52 hours more.

Bloomberg wrote that in 2000-2008 the growth of the Russian economy on average by 7% per year was due to high oil prices. It is the declining productivity coupled with demographic factors and declining inventories, the Agency calls the structural problems of the economy.

One of the reasons for low productivity in Russia is the growth of informal employment in Russia, wrote in its report, the staff of the Centre for labour market studies Higher school of Economics.

In the informal sector occupied approximately every fifth, accounting for almost half hours and only 10% of the value added. “The informal sector, and especially its expansion works against an aggregate productivity and deprives the economy of structural bonus”, — experts say the HSE.

During the economic boom in China also increased the number of working hours. According to the world Bank for five years, with 2009 GDP per capita in China has doubled. To increase labor productivity in China from the quantity it is time to move to quality — to such conclusion analysts of the Beijing pedagogical Institute in 2014.

“The reduction of working hours will contribute to the innovation, the employees will be time for self-development, increase the level of production,” say the study authors. “To enter the ranks of developed countries, need to move from quantity to quality. Reasonable work schedule is a step towards the development of social and economic stability,” urged in the report of the Professor of Beijing normal University and study leader Lai Desheng

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