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Russia will blow up from the inside?


Now a lot of talk about the expansion of NATO to the East. Although the term is incorrect, NATO has expanded not today and not yesterday. Now the unit only increases military presence in countries that are already not the first year are members of NATO.

Of course, this was expected and wonder here absolutely nothing.

All the snot-cries about the military expansion of NATO to the East, reminiscent of the outrage of women who have led unmarried man to his home, gave to drink-fed, bed made, and then began to squeak and make excuses when he reached to undress her.

However, it is fair to say that the increase in military presence of NATO, which is happening now is mostly symbolic. Such forces do not stop Russia in case of real war. Moreover, this is not enough to attack.

In front of the noses of Russia waving a red rag, but you have to understand that in itself is a red flag – a complete zero, it does no harm, its function is purelydistraction. The attack is not a red rag.


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History shows that those aggressors who dared to open the attack on Russia – I have suffered utter defeat, even if collected in a fist a very serious force and was endowed with certain leadership abilities. Enough to remember Hitler and Napoleon.

Russia won only one way: blew up from the inside. However, not only Russia. Here we can recall and Yugoslavia, and it is quite a recent example – Ukraine. That is, even where the West could, in principle, to win in a direct frontal collision, it is this very clash avoiding, acting precisely on the principle of explosion inside.

Moreover, it is necessary to pay tribute to those who manages all these processes: they are usually well take into account the internal situation and the mentality of the people, soberly assessing the ability of the government, which intends to wipe off the face of the earth.

For example, in Iraq, was a rigid dictatorship, and there was no opposition. However, when the moment of truth, it quickly became clear that many of those who relied on Saddam, turned out to be overbought; and betrayed their leader. That is, in the role of the opposition were not any outcasts from the streets and basements, and just did the pillars of dictatorship, loyal Cerberus Hussein.

In Libya to a certain point it seemed that there is not just no anti-government sentiment, but to take them nowhere, because the local leader Muammar Gaddafi, thanks to petrodollars, provided its population a very high standard of living. In Libya went to work not only migrant workers from Third world countries, but also European specialists. The political field was also stripped of any signs of opposition.

However, when it is X hours, “suddenly” as from under the earth burst to the surface active, numerous, and surprisingly well-trained opponents of the regime.

In Yugoslavia was one of the highest living standards of all socialist countries. There was an unprecedented socialist standards, the level of freedom. No one is oppressed, the Church, the Yugoslavs quietly went to work in Western Germany. For ethnic hatred, too, as if there was a reason – every major nation had its own Republic, and with a high level of economic independence. In Nations less – Autonomous region.

Nevertheless, it was Yugoslavia, when it took the masters of the world – turned into a flaming torch.

In the Soviet Union was also a separate Republic, in which the standard of living was comparable with the most developed countries of the world – no exaggerations. This, of course, in no way not Russia. But in such republics, like Georgiaor Moldova, somebody needs time, “suddenly” manifested the highest and most violent levels of anti-Sovietism. Despite the fact that Georgians, Moldovans who lived in the Soviet Union so well and safely, as they have not lived ever in its history, and never again will not live.

That is, if you take up the case properly, if you take into account all the nuances and the national mentality, you can blow up any country, any society. And plays no role in the standard of living in this country, as well as the presence or absence of legal opposition.

In the USSR too there was no legal opposition, and the leading role of the Communist party was spelled out in the Constitution.

So what?

Just the first of the Communists, all these Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Yakovlev, Gaidar,Yavlinsky and Shevardnadze became the destroyers of the Soviet Union. And not funny stupid dissidents, which meant nothing and which no one takes seriously.

And in 1953, when the Soviet Union was a double coup (first killed Stalinand then Beria), and then the Soviet Union became a completely different country, it was carried out not by the hands of some smuggled from abroad whites or returning from the camp of the Trotskyists. Although the prisoners from the camps were liberated, but then, after the coup. And these released and rehabilitated, as a rule, no special heights not reached to the pinnacle of power they had to let was not going.

The coup was carried out both times at the hands of those who literally ate at the same table with Stalin (and Beria).


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While we cannot say that the aforementioned Yeltsin, Gorbachev, Shevardnadze and others, once in poverty during the Soviet era, somehow have been wronged and oppressed. Just the opposite – they were the elite! Or any other authorities these come from the “people” would not have been able to reach such heights, which they provided to the Soviet power (on his head).

In the Soviet Union lacked really oppressed, the poor and the disadvantaged. But they did not accept the collapse of the country. The poor and disadvantaged only eyes clapped in astonishment, watching what they do with the state of those who are complaining was absolutely nothing.

So there is no reason to assume that those who blew up from the inside already not one, not two States, suddenly shuts down the brain, and they moved to the Russian tanks under the flags of NATO.

 The open attack on Russia will not be. Will be undermining the state from within.

And undermining – not the hands of Khodorkovsky, Kasyanov, pusek, or Pavlensky. If the public and used only for distractions – that is an additional red rag.

They do not Shine. Even if things work out, none of these people will not give any serious positions in the occupation administration. As one after 1991 did not provide any public office Novodvorskaya, Solzhenitsyn or Rezun-Suvorov.

If in Russia there will be, figuratively speaking, the orange revolution, it will be done by the hands of those closest to the President, who is closest to power and offers real possibilities for such a coup.

I don’t want to say that there are all traitors. Surrounded by Stalin, too, were not all traitors. A considerable number of people kept him faithful to the end of life. But for the coup is not necessarily that all were traitors. A tiny amount of key figures and a number of passive sheep among ordinary performers.

And well, when they openly oppose the government. Much worse, when they openly and publicly advocate for the power – thereby discrediting the government.

Well when “Misha two percent” openly opposed the government, promising to return Crimea to the Ukrainians.

Let’s imagine this situation: these people made a tempting offer – they perform some action, or Vice versa, do nothing themselves and hinder others to act. And in exchange, they guarantee that, in the case of the collapse of the country, their region will become an independent state (of course under the auspices of the overseas curators), in which they, the local “elite”, will become the sole owners. Something like this happened with the republics of the former USSR.

So how do I refuse? And even if you refuse, so in fact they can be compelled to cooperate, blackmailing their sins…

In the Soviet Union the path to the disintegration of the country, too, began with the rise of corruption, bribery and nepotism.

Even if such relatively small and not very powerful countries like Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya, not attacked head on and undermined from within – it is foolish to assume that the Russian attack in the open.

Demonstrative expansion of NATO’s military presence and an equally demonstrative performances of the pseudo-opposition – is a red rag to divert attention.

The main enemy of Russia – in Russia itself.

However, it is very important to consider one significant “moment”. Trying to confront the internal enemy, in any case it is impossible to bring down repression on the people randomly and hysterically arresting everyone whose face is not like it, or who said something wrong. If the government go on this way of grasping right and wrong, by way of intimidation –the effect of this will be opposite to the expected.

We must clearly realize that it is trivial in General the truth that the saying “you are afraid – means respect,” was invented by people who do not know what real fear and real respect. These people invented the saying: “Silence gives consent”.

Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi is also thought that the main enemies are those who dare to say something against it. And those who are silent – agree.


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Alas: the main and most dangerous enemies are the people from among those who were the first and loudest to agree with you. Betray – just his. More precisely, those who were considered her – because I never argued and all agreed.

As once the enemy, in this case say: “the right way, esteemed friend!” And try to silence the one who warns you.

But in order to win the fight, we must first clearly understand who is your enemy and where he is. Well, to start with. Then everything else.


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