Home / Policy / Russia is obliged to refuse participation in the Eurovision song contest-2017

Russia is obliged to refuse participation in the Eurovision song contest-2017


Россия обязана отказаться от участия в Евровидении-2017

Song contest long ago became a political event, so here will cease to be a serious demand. It is so obvious that europecinema have to step on the throat of his own song fake and would require Ukraine to respect the rights of Russian cultural figures at least three days in 2017.

During the “Eurovision 2016” Ukraine was given the chance to make significant progress on the way to a certain part of Europe.Россия обязана отказаться от участия в Евровидении-2017

In contrast, Russia now has a chance to once again firmly and unequivocally state that her “own pride” that such a scenario “song contest” in which it invited once again to participate, our country is not satisfied.

To participate in “Eurovision-2017” – itself not to respectРоссия обязана отказаться от участия в Евровидении-2017

Chance this is due to two main factors. First, the Ukrainian leadership does not want to see a number of prominent figures of culture of the Russian Federation.

Even if Kiev graciously allowed entry to Ukraine some Russian cultural figures associated with the contest (the “blacklist” against Russia Kiev is obviously not going to cancel), this act the situation radically will not change: Russian cultural figures, as such, will continue to be considered in this country persona non grata.

What will Kiev if Moscow will choose contestants from the “black” list? – asks today’s question of the Ukrainian press.

It is possible that some of the Russian characters (the producers and other sellers of talents that will appeal to leadership of Ukraine with a request to allow some representatives of Russian pop-culture entry into this country, upon giving the Kiev regime a further opportunity to make fun of “moskalyakami”. In such a situation, Russia could consider their participation in “Eurovision-2017” under several conditions.

First, if the list of banned entry to Ukraine of Russian cultural figures are excluded all of these figures, without exception. Second, if Ukraine guarantees not only the safety of the participants of “Eurovision-2017” from Russia, but also respectful attitude towards them on the part at least of the officials.

Meanwhile, Kiev is not able neither to first nor to second. It’s the inability of a party in principle.Россия обязана отказаться от участия в Евровидении-2017

But that’s not all.

Bandera and their Euro-American supporters in the jury of “Eurovision-2017” would not be true to myself if I did not use “pure song” event in two cynical and utilitarian purposes.

First, it is not quasicontours would be promoted even further in the direction of approval in the post-Soviet territory and in the world of information and musical-cultural space of “European values” in the form of “conicity-worshipme” and a few other “advanced” concepts and messages.Россия обязана отказаться от участия в Евровидении-2017

And secondly, I wouldn’t use it in anti-Russian purposes.

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To build in the place of Russian officials over Ukrainian visas – it’s flowers. Berries are where, where going to hold a contest his Ukrainian organizers.

Recently in the Ukrainian mass media there was a version where this would happen: opening ceremony of “Eurovision-2017” will take place at the site of the National reserve “Sophia of Kyiv”

Of course, this is the right place from the point of view of possible international scandal, and therefore advertising increasingly questionable activities in which it becomes “Eurovision”. Better not think – to it here, bhrama Hagia Sophia, unconditional shrines for most Russians and all Orthodox Christians, to hold the opening of the holiday-the triumph of Western, increasingly anti-Christian values.

Of course, one of the organizers of “Eurovision-2017” is not interested in the opinion of some “regional powers”. On the contrary, the choice of location is due, I believe, first and foremost, it is the opportunity to once again spit in Russia, and then enjoy the effect.

From my point of view, the choice of the organizers of “Eurovision” so controversial, to put it mildly, open competition is another reason for the fact that Russia refused to participate in it.

As recently as a year and a half ago, Russia suspended its participation in PACE after the structure began outright mockery of the representatives and Moscow’s position on Ukraine. And nothing from Russia did not decrease, but PACE without Russia, clearly bored.Россия обязана отказаться от участия в Евровидении-2017

So, the path to recovery Eurovision and all other PACE, IOC and WADA is through Russia’s withdrawal from these structures (or at least using the suspension of membership) and creation of its alternative Eurasian organizations and events.

In short, to participate in “Eurovision-2017” – itself not to respect. But if respect – right not to participate.


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