Home / Business / Reckless driver with a gun in the car was defused by police

Reckless driver with a gun in the car was defused by police

Лихач с оружием в машине был обезврежен сотрудниками ГИБДД

Friends, how do you feel about the cab? Personally, for me, these people should be protected from roads and road transport. These people do not understand what is on your mind, and they at any moment can go off the rails, staging a race on a busy highway.

However, the reckless drivers are not only the potential riders who have speed in the blood, but also people who for various reasons begin to drive on the roads. The most common type-called races there is a departure from law enforcement. Often in the media there are dozens, if not hundreds of news associated with the pursuit of the traffic police and offenders.

Here, for example, to take at least today in Kazan. On the street Fuchika, the crew of the private security stopped the driver of the Range Rover, which previously did not want to respond to the demands of the traffic police.

Based on the details of the case, the offender tried to avoid a traffic jam in the opposite lane, but he did not. To the place of detention arrived the crews of the traffic police and the police. It is reported that the detainee was carrying a weapon.

Due to such a precedent in the street Fuchika formed a huge traffic jam.

As you can see, even a simple departure from law enforcement officers had a negative impact not only next to the detainee and his company, which was at the time of arrest in the car, but many residents of Kazan, caught in a terrible traffic jam.

In this regard, I would like to appeal to the readers: friends, be polite on the road and not break the rules of the road.

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