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Puzzles castles inhabited by ghosts. Photo

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Sometimes these large noble buildings are kept rather dark history. Built on centuries of strong and isolated, once they were the homes of powerful families, known to the military and politicians. But with great wealth on a surface there is a hidden part of human nature. The history of the noble dynasties are often accompanied by eerie legends and rumors. These haunted castles can be located far from each other, but they all share the legends about ghosts associated with the history of their famous residents.

Castle Wolfsegg, Germany
For five centuries the castle Wolfsegg haunted by the Ghost of an unfaithful wife of the owner who hired two farmers to kill her.

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Castle Predjama, Slovenia
Located in cave and built in the 15th century, the castle is haunted by the Ghost of a knight who died in the struggle with the invaders.

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Himeji Castle, Japan
Himeji castle — an eternal home Okiku, the Ghost of the mythical Japanese character that is active at night. Once it’s nine o’clock in the morning, he with a cry he goes back to his shelter.

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The Castle Territory, Denmark
The Ghost of White Lady lives in the Castle Territory. Father locked this noble girl in prison after he learned that she loves a commoner. A skeleton in a white dress was found in the dungeons of the castle in the beginning of the last century.

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Chateau de Brissac, France
Built in the 11th century, the castle also keeps their skeletons in the closet. The previous owner of the castle caught his wife with her lover and killed them both. As suggested, their ghosts still reside at the castle.

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Castle Belcourt, Rhode Island
Originally the home of Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont, the castle was later was bought by the family of tiny. The Ghost of Harold, tiny still lives there after his death.

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Castle Fraser, Scotland
Castle Fraser was home to the Princess who was killed during sleep. Rumors say that she still wanders the halls of the castle out of hell. Other famous castles in Scotland, read a separate collection.

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Bardi Castle, Italy
Bardi castle also has a dark story. Here lived an army captain, Moroello who committed suicide after his lover Solest has imposed on himself. She did it thinking her beloved died in battle.

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The castle of Good Hope, South Africa
Built in the 17th century, the castle is the home of the Ghost of lady Anne Barnard, who lived here earlier. Surprisingly, except for lady Anne, live here also the Ghost of a soldier who hanged himself in the bell tower.

Загадки замков, в которых обитают привидения. Фото

The Castle Of Horst, Belgium
The Ghost of a local Lord arrives to the castle at midnight in a carriage with six wild horses. He can’t find his peace, because he killed that priest. According to rumors, the priest was having an affair with the wife of the Lord, and that was the reason for the murder.

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Castle Arundel, England
Built in West Sussex in the 11th century, the castle is haunted by the Ghost of the first Earl of Arundel Mall.

Загадки замков, в которых обитают привидения. Фото

The Larnach Castle, New Zealand
The Larnach castle belongs to the new Zealand policy William Larnaca. Rumor has it that the house is haunted Kate, daughter of the original owner, and Eliza, the first wife of Larnaca.

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It is worth mentioning that many marriage agents and tour operators hyping these stories in full, even offering to hold the wedding in a haunted castle. Wanting to experience such extreme is quite a lot.

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