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President in the law and other “security forces”

Президент в законе и другие "силовики"

It is only in Hollywood movies the godfathers of the mafia from morning to evening planning large-scale crimes and waging a brutal war with the police. The Russian thieves in law do not this. They are chiefly – “reshaly”. Their main function is to settle disputes between criminal groups and to control the thieves ‘ obshchak.

In Russia, the authorities several power groups, a little different from criminal: the FSB, the national guard, the kadyrovtsy, SC, MVD, GRU, etc. All of these groups are in permanent conflict for control of the racketeering business, money laundering, theft from the budget, the drug trade and other criminal markets. Manage a violent and daring criminals, hating each other. They’re trying to bring, discredit, sometimes just physically destroy the competition. Periodically between them starts noisy quarrels, only shreds from the shoulder straps and uniforms are flying to Moscow. Then the media transmit regular reports from the fronts of interclan struggle: the General planted, in addition to the search, against the third criminal case, the fourth died mysteriously in prison.

There’s only one person that has a serious impact on all factions of the security forces is President Putin. Its function is to resolve conflicts between gangs in uniform, to ensure that between them remained unstable equilibrium. As expected from the thief in the law, he controls observeronly common Fund, which essentially performs the state budget of Russia. Conducts “hands” and “gathering” to discuss the current showdown. Only he can “solve problems” with the leadership of all the clans, including to remove and even presumptuous to judge “authority” or on the contrary to forgive and give them protection. While the struggle between the groups continues, Putin is irreplaceable, his power is not threatened.

In the network actively discussed the unexpected night meeting between Putin and Kadyrov. Once again there was talk about the fact that the President is dissatisfied with their Chechen Satrap and even tries to curb. All of this nonsense. In fact, Kadyrov Putin needs exactly “wild”, with all its aggressive lads and permanent conflict with the Moscow security forces. Due to this, the Russian President can fulfill the role of “reshaly”, which is entirely on all sides of the Chechen-Moscow opposition.

Take, for example, this recent story about the “mysterious’ night meeting in the Kremlin. Probably it was something like this. After the arrest of the people Delimkhanov Kadyrov asks Putin at the reception. He promised, but Putin is stalling. Kadyrov arrives in Moscow, rushing like a tiger in a cage at his suburban estate, and the Kremlin did not call. Night comes, and the call is not. And now, at the time when the “proud Highlander”, already desperate to wait for a meeting with the President, going to bed, call him on the Kremlin line: you wait half an hour be in the Kremlin. Kadyrov goes to Putin to intercede for his people, feeling their complete dependence on Moscow boss.

Recently some opposition leaders have actively demanded the resignation of Putin and Kadyrov. Paradoxically, the main beneficiaries of this campaign was the master of Chechnya. Because we all know that Putin is not doing anything under pressure, especially on the part of their enemies. Seeking the favor of Putin, Kadyrov purposely provoked and teased by well-known critics of the government. And they were a provocation, and continued, apparently without realizing it, to play along. The result after Putin expected actually reappointed Kadyrov as head of Chechnya, he immediately forgot about the Moscow opposition, and ceased to meddle in “politics”. After all, he is just the leader of one of the competing power groups, entirely independent from the main Kremlin “reshaly”.

Putin is beneficial to the internal war of the ruling oligarchy continued. Because it gives him the opportunity to remain an indispensable key figure, standing above the fray, decisive conflicts and disputes. It ensures that no group was strengthened not trampled by all the others. In contrast, the FSB is establishing a National guard, reinforcing the clan Zolotov. Office Bastrykin initially inciting other clans, and then allows the FSB to hit her with. And so on. For him the main thing that the groups have not agreed among themselves and threw their “godfather”. In this situation, such a development is absolutely unreal. Therefore, Putin’s power is not threatened.

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