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Preservation of doom

As for the lack of jobs survives Altai Krai

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The ruins of the Altai tractor plant

Data on the number risen over the past quarter century enterprises pall in the mass consciousness. Especially far from the real life of the inhabitants of the capital’s cafes, gathering likes in virtual reality. But the problem is the state of our industry have to come back again and again. Because for each number, and each name are the fate of our fellow citizens, their hopes and their sense of impending doom.

The city of Rubtsovsk in Altai Krai. Almost 150 thousand inhabitants, which is a lot for the region. Infinite shop signs and risk after the rain not notice a hole on the road and break the car. The streets literally turn into deep rivers.

— To understand the condition of our city, you need to go to the Altai tractor plant — ATZ. Rather, to the place where he had been, — speak in a voice people.


The ruins of the main entrance. Call in to the territory. Entirely piles of broken bricks, the remnants of the walls of the shops. The feeling that the company deliberately bombed from the air. “Yeah, like Stalingrad. Only then the war was the enemy, and it is made,” says the former working, elderly woman Galina zheglova.

From the bridge the motorway plant is similar to the Athenian Acropolis. The same remains of the once powerful and advanced civilization that vanished thousands of years ago. How many years have passed since then, as ATZ was life, what was she like?

“Until the collapse of the Soviet Union there were 23 thousand people per year were issued 33 thousand tractors. For all time, after it was evacuated from Kharkov in 1942, has built over a million cars…”

— After 1991, the plant began to happen something strange. The territory began to come dozens of trucks, they were loaded and exported equipment.

The plant was a long time in agony, gradually reducing output. In 2010, began mass layoffs, unpaid wages, and a year later announced the final bankruptcy.

The inhabitants of Rubtsovsk love to tell how the current situation ATZ regional authorities once called “deep conservation”.

And such situation not only with ATZ.

“In the Soviet Union Rubtsovsk ranked second after Norilsk in the percentage employed in the industry of the inhabitants. Today almost nothing remains”, — quotes sad data member of the city Council Vladimir Popov.

Famous for Rubtsovsk, indeed, not only tractors.

Altai tractor plant electrical equipment developed and produced generators for cars and tractors, exporting them to countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Germany, France, Italy, Spain. Now the plant is dead.

The famous “Altayselmash” produced 75% of all plows in the Soviet Union, more than 60 thousand a year. In 1971 he was awarded the order “badge of Honor”. Today on a company-successors, their speed is much lower.

On Rubtsovsky engineering plant worked in excess of eight thousand people. On his tractors went military and oil producers in the tundra. Now the plant actually does single orders.

The list can be long.

Who doesn’t want to stop to see the catastrophic situation of our production, usually suggests that the product of Soviet factories was useless. Stood, they say, thousands of useless tractors under the open sky and rusting. And old, certainly not to return for changed productivity on many sites instead of manual labour used automatics, and now instead of thousands of workers have only a hundred or less.

Well, you can’t disagree with the fact that the world is changing rapidly. Indeed the main productive force becomes not so much the car, how much the knowledge of who this machine is controlled.

But if some business does not require the previous amount of workers, it does not mean that someone should become unnecessary. And if we’re talking about new technologies, it is foolish to throw away the life of thousands of skilled workers and engineers, forcing them to leave or to go to trade. Why not create new jobs, new industries? In all countries today, chasing shots, and we squander. Over the past 25 years, the population of eagle decreased from 175 thousand to 149 years. Young people get an education and leave their homes. So, in other cities they are in demand.


We are not talking about how to support the work of unprofitable enterprises just for the sake of employment. But why not to plan the economy of the region so that first and foremost provide themselves with all necessary? The same Altai edge that you want and tractors, and plows, and spare parts for them. Why not create advantages for local producers, instead of purchasing products in China and Belarus? There he had spent the modernization of production and their products have come to the place where the industrial giants of the wind. Import substitution — this is the right idea.

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