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Pregnancy driving: pros and cons

Беременность за рулем: за и противOf course, to drive or not to drive, expecting a child, is the choice of every expectant mother.

The most important is the feeling of comfort and calm in the car. Psychologists say that the fact that driving gives a powerful positive charge, an additional source of joyful emotions.

In addition, it will remain one of the few habits Dobermann” times, and thus help to avoid the feeling of isolation from the old way of life, style of behavior, social status.

However, continuing to drive the car, it is important to remember that women “in position” response slows down, they are more self-absorbed and their experiences are often somewhat detached from the outside.

This means that no matter how great the driving experience, for those nine months, it is important to be the most careful and attentive driver on the road. Try to think through maneuvers, not to risk it.

But learning to drive “in the” not worth it. The beginning driver is in a constant state of stress. Develop factors such as the need to constantly keep under control the car itself, road conditions, assess and in many ways to predict the behavior of other traffic participants, to perform complex maneuvers to calculate your route.

Over time, all the skills are coming, and driving, instead of the nervous tension starts to be fun. But at the initial stage, this voltage is extremely high and absolutely nothing the expectant mother or her baby.

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During pregnancy, you need to calculate the forces. Should not drive if you feel unwell. The initial four or five months of pregnancy can be accompanied by nausea, unconscious state, weakness. It is obvious that a reasonable woman in this situation does not sit behind the wheel.
Another problem is sudden attacks of hunger that appear for no reason, and do not depend on when was the last Breakfast or lunch.
This can be adapted by placing in a machine of small packets of peanuts, dried fruit and different sweets. In the second half of pregnancy is a common problem of hypotension or anemia (dizziness, weakness, fainting) or the opposite – high pressure. Any such complications are a contraindication to driving.
Closer to the end of your pregnancy belly begins to significantly interfere with climb-climb out of the car. Sometimes the baby’s kicking so hard that it becomes even painful. In this case, of course, better to pull over to catch my breath and recover.
There is a perception that the movement of the legs pressing on the pedals stimulates excess blood flow to the small pelvis, stretching of the uterus and may present a risk of miscarriage. With all the controversy of this assertion it is useful to closely monitor their feelings.

During pregnancy any positive emotions are priceless, so don’t limit yourself to “just in case”, especially if you feeling excellent. The absolute advantage of transportation by car is the fact that significantly reduced the possibility of contact with people suffering from various infectious diseases. But for pregnant women it is very important.

Safety on the road

Scientists from the Norwegian specialized research Institute found that the risk of an accident for pregnant women behind the wheel, 15 times higher than for the others. It is proved that quick response of a pregnant woman significantly reduces, so you should pay attention to driving style. Of driving fast and extreme risk situations will have to give up for security purposes, choose a more relaxed style. Pregnant women get tired much faster. And in the case of driving fatigue leads to a decrease of attention and, again, reducing the reaction rate.

Therefore, long trips are undesirable. To relieve discomfort from forced immobility, which also negatively affects the state every two or three hours it is better to stay below with a simple gymnastics to restore circulation and eliminate back pain.

Pregnant women during the ride often do not use the seat belt, because I think that it could harm the unborn baby. Besides, in late pregnancy, the fastening becomes increasingly inconvenient. And yet it is obvious that driving a car without wearing a seat belt could end badly.

Therefore, it is especially important that expectant mothers always wore a seat belt. Some companies, by the way, I decided to create a special belt for optimum protection of the mother and fetus. In the meantime, these new items had not appeared on the market, it is important to remember that the belt fulfilled its protective function, it must pass OVER and UNDER the stomach, not the stomach.

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