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Power to the horns

Maybe, for hunters of Siberia, and the extraction of antlers is not something special, but for the hunters of the Middle band is truly exotic. Basically, they can’t drive for antlers, and trophies in the form of prominent horns and stuffed.

Antlers anciently valued by Siberian hunters even more expensive than meat produced animal, because that was a storehouse of medicinal substances. In ancient times for the extraction of antlers the animal was killed, and only toward the end of the XIX century formed the industry — antler maral breeding. In modern life, when we are not helping traditional medicine where we not only seek healing, cling to strange healers, new techniques, but forget about the traditional folk remedies, proven by generations of our ancestors.

At the request of readers, we asked about the processing of antlers and the use of the employee of the Safari Park “Ekomir” Eugene Kondratyev.

— Eugene, I know You have to Park lives a population of deer, not for hunting, as stags, fallow deer and mouflon, namely to obtain the antlers. Can you tell me how to handle the horn, how to prepare medicines?

— Yes, indeed, we in 2014 have delivered Altai marals. They are kept in a special enclosure, where visitors to the Park can admire these powerful and beautiful animals, but the main purpose of their breeding was to obtain antlers and their processing into useful products.

I heard that the healing power of antlers depends on what the animal eats, conditions. Tell us about how deer live in Your Park and how the conditions are close to the life in the Altai?

— Absolutely. Power of the horns depends on the food. We have carefully selected rations for each animal species. In the cages hanging memo “menu”, which is painted, what and in what proportions should be in the food mixture. For each species there is a food composition. I want to note that all the feed is only natural. In addition, due to the large size of the cages many natural forages. So the animals live almost in the open pasture. The conditions of natural, consequently no stresses, which also has a positive effect on the quality of the horns. All species contained we have animals undergo mandatory veterinary care. They are vaccinated, preventive and vitamin, treatment of sick animals. In addition, herbs of South of the Tver and Smolensk regions is very rich and diverse and are among the best on the territory of Central Russia.

— How to begin the process of extraction antlers?

In the spring, when the antlers is from late may until about mid-June, the animals are distilled in a different enclosure. There with the help of a special device they are fixed, and they cut down the horns. They cut a little above the outlet, so as not to damage it. Otherwise it may lead to abnormal development of the next year. After that, the horns should immediately suspend cutting up to leaking the blood, which is healing.

— And after that they feel?

Fine. Every year we cut the antlers, animals the whole year similarly, graze, breed, and gain weight. The population of the us is constantly increasing, and we are going to open for them next year hunting.

— What further processing?

The antlers are hung for some time in a dry, well-ventilated place, in order that the blood contained in them, a bit withered. After that, they need to steam. We have a large 5 cubic meters, Chan. Water temperature should be 95 degrees. In any case it is impossible to bring water to a boil. Otherwise the skin on the antlers crack, precious blood is spilled, and the rest just cooked and lose its healing properties. If, for example, you are a hunter and bagged a stag in the mountains, the temperature should be even less, because at altitude the boiling point is below 100 degrees. After the water is heated to the desired temperature, the antlers nine times every few minutes for a minute or two plunged into the water. This is to ensure that the blood contained in them, baked. But not welded. After that they again for a few hours are posted on the airing. When they dry, hang them on roasting. It’s a sauna with a temperature of 65 degrees. There they completely dry up. Then of them can cook a variety of drugs.

— And what they can cook?

— First, the antlers tea. 1.5–3 grams antlers, pour a glass of boiling water, to insist in a thermos about half an hour and drink per day in 2-3 reception. Second, antler powder: recommended daily dose for an adult is 1.5–3 grams antlers. The powder of velvet antler slices is used, with water, mixed with honey or powder of liquorice in the ratio of 1:1. This mixture is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment — a month. You can make an alcohol tincture: 50 grams of antlers taken 500 milliliters of vodka. Tincture is placed in a cool dark place for a month. The finished product should be used at 18-25 drops (but no more) three times a day according to the following scheme: the drug is taken 10 days, then a break for 10 days. After that, the drug is taken for another 10 days, then take a break for 30 days. Then the drug is taken 10 days and a break of 10 days. And the last stage is the drug is taken for another 10 days. Alcohol tincture of deer antlers has a high biological activity, therefore should not exceed the stated dose.

For antler interview taking 10-15 grams antlers and brew them, so antler extract for the procedure. Do it together with herbs, so it not just a barrel, and the barrel.

Except for pleasant sensations, you get a healing effect. You for 15 minutes shut in a cedar barrel. At the same time it steam saturated with extract from the collection of the Altai herbs, and separate the extract from antlers. Such procedures are useful in the treatment of diseases of blood, cardiovascular system, brain, weakening the immune system, fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system; antler drugs increase body tone, increase the potency, yielding significant anti-aging effect, prolong life. And, of course, you don’t have to go to the Altai, all you can do not far from Moscow. I must say, the antlers are highly valued in China and South Korea, are used in the traditional treatment, and more than 90% of all antlers are exported to these countries.

— Thanks, Eugene, for your interesting story, good luck in Your hard and useful work.

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