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Polish revenge Russia

The poles decided to thoroughly annoy his worst enemy, Russia, in a highly original way: type in your mouth shit and spit in her direction.

Польская месть России

I think to explain who in this situation would be, to put it mildly, in an awkward position don’t need… But what exactly is Polish “revenge” Moscow should be considered the most detailed way to fully grasp that willing to be fools in life enough to be born Polish…

So, the eternal enemies of Poland “Muscovites” and “boshi”, drank the two bottle “Capital”, eating German sausages, and held the “Nord stream” past illustrious nobility, which eventually turned out to be, in the position of a beggar, which rushes past in the train!

Trade? Still, what trade!

Moreover, Warsaw breakup fee for the transit of Russian gas, so she now has to purchase it from their worst enemies. So it will not work, decided in Warsaw and began to look for a way to permanently abandon the Russian gas.

To accomplish this goal in North-Western Poland, in a city with lot of sense name Swinoujscie, launched a terminal for receiving liquefied natural gas with a total capacity of five billion cubic meters per year. Rainbow Lyakhov plans, this terminal will give them the opportunity to purchase liquefied gas from anywhere in the world and the pipelines (which, incidentally, still need to build!) to put it in Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine. According to the Polish side, in the nearest future they will be able to increase the terminal’s capacity by half.

Sounds nice. It is possible that even Gazprom became a little nervous. That’s just the reality turns out a LITTLE NOT as planned.

The fact that the construction of the terminal, which cost the poles a lot of money (about a billion dollars), turned into a real construction: work began in 2006, and it will be launched only in spring 2016.

But it’s not so bad. And here’s where to get gas for its filling – was a real headache, because the only country with which Warsaw was able to enter into a contract only 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas, has become a distant, faint Qatar.

And where else to take at least 3.5 billion cubic meters of gas? There is only America. But here’s the problem – the United States is more than two times larger than Qatar and, therefore, supply gas will be even more expensive.

Any normal person in a similar situation will think about so that once the poles buy in Qatar gas, so it suits them and it is cheaper than Russian.

The fact of the matter that so can think only NORMAL PEOPLE, but not poles: if Russian gas costs in Poland 265 dollars per thousand cube, Qatar – not less than seven HUNDRED DOLLARS!


Now, type more air in lungs – I’ll tell You the funny thing in this situation: if Qatar and will deliver your costly gas in Poland, it will allow the city to reduce the share of cheap gas imports (ATTENTION!) with 80 to 60% off!

And what to do?

To strive, to seek, to find and not to surrender, decided in Warsaw and began to develop plans for the construction of a gas pipeline linking Poland with Norway.

If the construction of the gas terminal was delayed for ten years, but with the laying of the pipeline, the poles are going to be managed in six years (and in fact, likely to be the same ten years) by 2022. In this case, it is clear that this pipeline will not solve in full the problem of providing Poland with natural gas, because its capacity is estimated at mysterious “several billion cubic meters of gas from the North”. )))

That is, again TRADE! And again, zrada, then you need to build another pipeline! But where? Except from Azerbaijan…

But these global projects will fly to the poles in huge amount. However, what child would not teshilos just not cry, who has money, has the right to their own quirks.

However, the poles, despite their natural genericcost, we need to “hold their horses” and to think, because of these quirks they have in the very near future is not something that excess, but no money could not stay.

In addition, it may be that at the time of its completion, Poland, gas pipelines, the need for gas will disappear and the whole world will switch to some other alternative fuel.

And then what to do with the pipelines? On scrap metal to hand over? )))

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