Home / Business / Olga’s husband Buzovoy seriously injured a friendly match with Turkey

Olga’s husband Buzovoy seriously injured a friendly match with Turkey


29-year-old footballer Dmitry Tarasov was forced to go abroad for examination — the athlete received a serious injury during a friendly match against Turkey. Sports doctors diagnosed the player’s cruciate knee ligament. Most likely, the athlete will need surgery.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova


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According to the sports Director of club Igor Korneyev, Tarasov will fly soon over the border, where experts plan to conduct additional medical examination.

Due to injury Olga’s husband Buzovoy not be able to take part in the match against Ghana on 6 September. Only after a complete examination will be known whether Dmitry Tarasov back in the lineup.

“Tarasova we have already lost, and for a long time, although the final diagnosis he put up in Italy, where he now went,” — said the chief coach of “Locomotive” Yuri Semin.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova

By the way, the wife Tarasov Olga Buzova has only recently returned from the Seychelles where she was filmed for the project “House-2. The island of love”.

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