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Olga Buzova tears live reality show “Dom-2”


Olga Buzova now going through a difficult period. After it became aware of the discord in the relationship of Olga and her husband, footballer Dmitry Tarasova, TV presenter is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She snaps at a rented site: the makeup brought to tears and talked in loud tones with the participants of telestroke.



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Recently Olga was unable to hold back the tears during the broadcast, when one of the participants spoke about the deep feelings to the girl. At Calvary a couple of “House-2” Valery Responsibility and nanny Abramson has announced that it is waiting for the firstborn. Olga burst into tears, saying, “Here, and say that the “House-2″ there is no love!”

Fans assume that these tears are not because of the joyful events on the show, but because of the strong feelings of the presenter, after a quarrel with her husband.

Olga herself so far not commented on the breakup with her husband and tells us about the causes of the quarrel. In the Network there are rumors that Buzova left her husband because of his infidelities.

Recall that Tarasov was already married, in 2009, his ex-wife Oksana gave birth to his daughter angelina. When she was two years old, Tarasov left the family. In 2012, he married TV presenter Olga Buzova.

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов расстались

Первыми о проблемах в семье телеведущей узнали ее поклонники

Телеведущая больше не публикует в Instagram романтичные снимки с мужем

По слухам, Ольга ушла от мужа из-за его измен

Супруги состоят в браке почти пять лет

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов

Поклонники с нетерпением ждали, когда же у пары появятся дети

Развод Ольги и Дмитрия несколько лет назад предсказала экстрасенс Джулия Ванг

Супруги больше не носят обручальные кольца

Ольга съехала на съемную квартиру

Еще недавно телеведущая хвасталась дорогими подарками от мужа

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов

Поклонники умоляют пару помириться

Ольга Бузова

Дмитрий Тарасов и Ольга Бузова Фото: instagram.com

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