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Of sound mind and memory

This is my article with a minimum of delicate editing (here would be to place a “smiley”) was published in “Literaturnaya Gazeta”. It is, in fact, in abbreviated form what I wrote more in the “Free press” and placed in Maxpart. Duplicated deliberately: “LG” – for a different audience, reading a newspaper on paper. I place here, despite the substantial repetition of the subject and the facts are worth.

I warn you dear readers: in the current election campaign do not participate – not running anywhere, not originally engaged. Speak not for or against any forces, but the responsibility of the political forces all, and, above all, are in power. In providing this – for basic sober memory of the citizens. To our society was nothing like in their behavior hopelessly sick sort of collective Alzheimer’s.

So, pay attention to the fact, as filed in the final transmission of the First channel work of past members of the Duma – what to mention “forgot”.

First. The ratification of the agreement on Russia’s accession to the WTO. Despite the fact that in Russian language there is no full package of documents – it is on this basis, the CEC refused in a popular referendum.

Second. New laws on education and on health care, opened the gates for rampant commercialization and “optimization”. Here – a radical reduction in the number of beds of clinics, the reduction of doctors and nurses, the consolidation of schools and increasing pressures on teachers and professors.

Third. “Reform” (in the original version of the bill – in plain text: “liquidation”) of the tercentenary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Fourth. The transformation of the Central Bank into a “mega-regulator” – the transfer of a number of the constitutional powers of the government. What’s the difference? Principled: after all, the “independence” of the Central Bank wrongly interpreted as a lack of control, and not only in the realization of constitutional functions, but in General.

Fifth. The law “On territories of priority development” is the successor of the idea of “Corporations for the management of Siberia and the Far East.” In fact, it allowed the rejection of full sovereignty over extensive territories, abolished (for these areas) constitutional foundations (the first Chapter of the Constitution), replaced by the idea of development (“rapid”) vulgar accelerated exploitation of mineral resources.

And the appointment made by this Council.

First. The Prime Minister on the proposal of the President of the Duma, was appointed President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. A team of deputies and Ministers – Shuvalov, Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister, speaker and Livanov have derived: appointed by the President to the Prime Minister.

Second. The appointment of the Chairman of the Central Bank… (remember: “You will like”?) former economy Minister Elvira Nabiullina. The same one that, with all the opportunities and resources that did not fulfill the constitutional task of the Central Bank – did not provide the stability of the ruble. The question of the mismatch position was never delivered.

Third. The appointment of the Chairman of the accounts chamber of the former Minister of health and social security, and before that many years of head of Department and the Deputy Minister of Finance (i.e., career people from the Government – controlled main Chamber) T. Golikova.

This, of course, not a complete list of achievements. But what I think we need to pay attention to. The more that mainstream media chose it more or less silenced.

But why this information people?

Only one thing: endless gear “right of choice” and “right to information” of consumers, we are taught not to be shy and to require the submission of certificates of compliance, shelf life, etc. But when we purchased only some insignificant one-off product. So, probably, when we decide for whom to cast their vote in the election, moreover, in addition to General conversations and ringing self-reporting, is to require elementary “certificate of conformity”? Namely, printouts of the vote of different political forces on issues that we consider important for themselves, determinative. And on this basis to make a choice: which political force to support, and what confidence to say no.


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