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Nutritionists have shared their secrets of good figure in adulthood

Диетологи поделились секретами хорошей фигуры в зрелом возрастеExperts suggested that you need to do to in retirement doesn’t turn into a “ball”.

Often we meet people who all their life were slim and toned, but at some point they dramatically recovered and, as a rule, it happened after 40 years. A rarity, when the old grandmother or grandfather can afford to jump on the second floor two steps at a time. And all because along with old age came the inability to quickly move, extra weight and limitation of movements and so on.

Almost everyone who retires gain weight. This phenomenon can also be explained, because the work people hot somehow move, tried to follow their appearance in order to look in society with dignity, sometimes no time to eat, which allowed him to keep in shape. And the retired person feels more relaxed and he can sleep in longer, and a day to get out of bed only to pee and eat, go to the store 1-2 times a week and you can continue on on how to ruin their health the elderly.

What are the secrets of good shape can be maintained even after the 50th anniversary:

1. The food must be balanced. More than half of the daily diet, nutritionists recommend to fill with fruits and vegetables, but meat, fish, eggs, cheese and other products should be consumed in small portions. It is very important to drink water, but do not have to drink 2-3 liters will be enough and one and a half liters of water to maintain or slowly lose weight retired.

2. Daily to allocate more than 2 hours of physical activity. If people can do more, he should not be lazy, otherwise he won’t even notice, as opportunities had been exhausted.

3. Fresh air. Definitely the elderly, the young, and very young child, needed some fresh air. Being cooped up for days on end is a step on the path to obesity and age-related depression.

These products are most useful for the elderly: fish and seafood, fruits and vegetables in cooked and raw, whole grains, lean meat and dairy-sour products. It is worth noting that elderly people nutritionists recommend to consume it on a fatty fish because it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on brain activity and overall health. As fruit is better to choose bananas because they’re high in potassium good for the heart.

On carbonated beverages, meats, alcohol, coffee, cakes unlimited and other products not having in its composition of nutrients, you need to forget the rest of your life.

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