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Natural resources, whose are they really?

Природные ресурсы, чьи они на самом деле?

1. In the United States, Alaska resident of the Northern territory receives 1 thousand $ per month just from the fact that the state produces gold!

In Alaska, a special oil Fund, which account for 30 billion $. From this Fund every year the population of the state issued dividends.
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2. In the United Arab Emirates newborn child, provided the amount of 150 thousand $ of royalties from the sale of oil.

3. In Kuwait, every newborn the state opens a Bank account in the amount of $ 3 thousand, represents the citizens interest-free loan of $ 220 thousand $ for housing. In addition, the government provides a monthly allowance of $ 170 for each minor and paid $ 300 each housewife. Education in this country is free!

4. In Saudi Arabia, the government lists 10 thousand $ to the account of each newborn,free of charge gives 80 thousand $ for housing, 13 thousand $ to every graduate student. Medicine and education in this country are free at the expense of oil revenues!

5. In Turkmenistan, electricity, water, gas, and salt to the population free of charge. Besides, gasoline of AI-95 costs… as much as 16 cents per litre.

6. In Norway at the expense of every citizen from his birth received considerable sums from the sale of oil. The country has long been legally introduced free education, almost free medical care, the highest level of social security co-payments, premiums, promotions for any occasion. The budget surplus, given the oil Fund is kept at 10% of GDP

7. RUSSIA IS THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! Russia owns 40% of all the planet’s natural resources, which are estimated according to the CEMI RAS at $350 trillion. or $2.5 million for every citizen of Russia. You can even a little will remain.

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