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National idea of Russia.

Национальная идея России – это так просто!

The search for a national idea of Russia conducted with the 90-ies of the last century, when we “go there, do not know where to find it, don’t know what.” Moved and moved a lot of options, and who, as they say, is still there…

I remember even earlier – in the late ‘ 80s – just puzzled over how to name the main film award of the country (at that time Soviet Union). Moved a lot of options as long as the “Arguments and facts”, the super popular weekly of that time, published a short letter to one of his readers, which proposed to name the award “NIKA”. The reader was surprised that this obvious for her option others do not see, and drew attention to the fact that Nika was the goddess of Victory in Ancient Greece, and besides Nika echoes the name of Veronica, the heroine of the film “the cranes are Flying”, received worldwide recognition. As you know, the premium is 29 times was given under that name.

I’m experiencing approximately the same confusion regarding the definition of the national idea of Russia. From my point of view, this idea can not be some mental construct, which was, for example, “communism” – by the way, has German roots.

The national idea hatched in the popular mind and therefore easily received by the same people to implement. It has long been identified, is known to all.

And this is Justice.

As soon as her understand! “Take away and divide” or “to all sisters on earrings”, etc. while from the point of view of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato (428 BCE)fair society in which everyone fully realizes given to him by nature abilities.

Idealism, you say? Not at all. In the same Soviet Union much has been done in order to carry out the famous slogan, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his work”. A variety of specialized schools, Palaces of pioneers developed the abilities of the younger generation and at the middle school, each child can choose according to their interests of a particular group. In addition, the senior labour organised training on the most mass professions, taking account of the needs of a particular region, actively carried out various kinds of Olympiads, competitions, collecting, etc. All of this was available to everyone, as not demanded payment or the payment was very small.

What to say about that after graduation the young man was offered a wide range of educational institutions of different levels – from vocational schools (also called vocational), training working professions, to higher education in numerous colleges and universities. All this was chosen by students in complete freedom – according to success in school and only because, again, the training was free.

And notice, every graduate is guaranteed to get a job with a degree.

I do not idealize the Soviet Union – there was a lot that restrict initiative and opportunity for professional growth in the future. However, for the development of human abilities was done very much.

Now, unfortunately, all is lost – since the unforgettable A. Fursenko, Minister of education of Russia in 2004-12., “the disadvantage of the Soviet education system” was recognized as “an attempt to shape the individual Creator”. And since then, the task of the school was proclaimed the need “to cultivate a competent consumer.”

Well, we can congratulate: consumers now complete, but the experts did not…

Going back to the national idea. More precisely, to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, where in the 7th article of claim 1 States:“the Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions for a dignified life and free development of man”.

As you can see, our national idea long ago written in the Constitution. Question one: what will this do?

Apparently, only what is inherent in the concept of “social justice” and that is reflected in paragraph 2 of the same article of the Constitution: “In the Russian Federation the labor and health of people, establish a guaranteed minimum wage, provided by the state family support, motherhood, paternity and childhood, disabled and elderly citizens, develop a system of social services and establish government pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection”.

And how to be with the “free development of man”? And isn’t it time to ourselves to determine what we want from our state?

I propose to discuss this topic.

I think the authorities difficult from the heights to define our hopes and aspirations. I would like to hear “the voice of the people”!

What do you think, what needs to change in our state to “the free development of man” was possible?

Svetlana Chebotareva


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