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Named the most popular in the world of books. Photo

Названы самые популярные в мире книги. Фото These books are published in great quantities.

A list of the most replicated books of the last half-century was compiled by James Chapman on the basis of data on the number sold during this period copies of each of them. These are the books in ascending order of numbers.

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No. 10. The Diary Of Anne Frank
A girl from a Jewish family, who started to write a diary during the occupation of the Netherlands by the Nazis and later killed in a concentration camp, could not suspect that her notes will be the basis of the book, known all over the world. Took care of her father, the only surviving member of the family. The circulation of books amounted to 27 million copies.

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No. 9. “Think and grow rich” by Napoleon hill
A book written by a successful journalist who had a chance to personally talk with the most influential, rich and famous Americans of his time, is popular among readers from the very first edition for over 80 years. She probably, in addition to the author, made wealthy many people. To date sold 30 million copies.

No. 8. Gone with the wind Margaret Mitchell
The novel-epic of love and war in the lifetime of the writer became absolute bestsellers. The film, shot in the book in far 1939 the year was also highly regarded by the audience to this day, and contributes to the popularity of the work. This is evidenced by the 33-million copies of the novel.

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No. 7. “The Alchemist” By Paulo Coelho
The novel is a parable about a simple-minded shepherdess, who made a long journey in search of treasure, has been translated into 67 languages and sold in 150 countries. Adaptation, always encouraging the reader’s interest and leading to increased book sales, is still not removed, however, the circulation of sold copies has exceeded 65 million.

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No. 6. “The Da Vinci Code” By Dan Brown
Conspiracy theories are popular with readers. A detective story about the secret meaning of the Christian symbols brought the scandalous success of the author. The novel received the title of “the Most popular book of the decade” and sales in excess of 81 million copies.

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No. 5. “Twilight. Saga” By Stephenie Meyer
The unexpected success of a series of books about love and adventures of an ordinary schoolgirl and a handsome vampire, brought the young writer world famous. Worldwide sold 85 million copies of “the Twilight Saga”.

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No. 4. “The Lord of the rings” George.R.R.Tolkien
The story of little hobbits, bringing a great story – favorite book of several generations. The success of films by Peter Jackson, has led to the fact that in recent decades the sale of the novel has almost doubled, and reached more than 100 million books.

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No. 3. “Harry Potter,” George. K. Rowling
The novel, returning to modern children’s interest in reading, has been translated into 67 languages. He made his first Creator a billionaire, whose fortune is estimated in dollars, which have earned their capital by writing. The circulation of the publication exceeded 450 million.

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No. 2. “Little red book” of Mao Zedong
The collection of sayings of the leader Mao prevalence can be associated with the sacred texts, which is not surprising as it is, in fact, was also part of a cult with an impressive number of adherents. Now the ideological value of the book for many people has come to naught, however, saw the light of 820 million copies.

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No. 1. The Bible
For obvious reasons, Sacred Scripture continues to lead among all books sold in the world. Bible translated into more than 2000 languages. Annual sales of nearly 100,000 copies, and over the last 50 years was published about 4 billion copies.

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