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Named the healing properties of flowers and buds of lilac

Названы целебные свойства цветов и почек сирениLilac is a symbol of spring and thus having remarkable healing properties.

Flowering lilac and many are waiting for love – its flowers can not leave anyone indifferent. The lilac bushes have bright colors – they come in pink, white, purple, Burgundy. Unique and the scent of lilac, which is actively used in the treatment of many diseases. And who of the middle generation do not guess at lilac before exams, searching among the blossoms Pateley flower?

Also lilac is one of the plants-talismans of home and family ties. It is believed that a delicate fragrance of lilac will scare away evil spirits from the house and protects against envy. And if the yard is growing a Bush of purple lilac, then you can be sure that this family will always be a harmonious relationship. Lilac loved to draw, many artists – she inspired a whole galaxy of artists.

At the same time to keep in the house (especially the bedroom) freshly cut twigs with flowers of lilac is still not recommended. The fact that the fragrance of flowers intensifies during the day and becomes so strong that it may even cause allergies, asthma, headaches and even hallucinations.

Lilac is often used in medicinal purposes. When you can’t concentrate and make a decision, and near a sprig of lilac, you should inhale its aroma and think clearer. The smell of lilacs helps to relax and rejuvenate.

Also in medicinal purposes, using flowers, buds, twigs, bark and leaves of lilac. Long been known that this plant has anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties. For removing high temperature, we should make tea from the flowers of lilac. Take 1 teaspoon of flowers poured with boiling water (1/2 Cup) and infuse for one hour. The infusion of the flowers of lilac should be drunk three times a day. Also, this tea will help to cope with frequent bronchitis in a child. Baby give 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The same tincture is good to make lotions for the eyes before you sleep to improve vision.

The buds of the lilac are essential for people with diabetes. To take an infusion of 2 tablespoons of the kidneys lilac, pour popularly of boiling water and allow to infuse for 6 hours. Ready strained broth take 1 tbsp. spoon before eating.

Colors of lilac healers prepare a tincture, which effectively helps with pain in joints, calcification, bruises. This potion has wound healing properties. Also, it got rid of the heel spur.

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