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Named the country with the most advanced technologies. Photo

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото These countries have a great future.

Technology is constantly evolving and advancing, making our world more comfortable to live in. Access to technology and the Internet is not a privilege enjoyed by the unit, it is an opportunity for the masses.

That is why governments of different countries so it is important to develop technologies which are a key element of progress.

To measure the use and development of these capabilities was developed by the index of the NRI (Network Readiness Index).

Within the index, the countries exhibiting a score from 1 to 7, wherein the higher the score, the higher the desire to use technology.

NRI created using three key components:

1. Market, political, regulatory and infrastructure situation in the country.
2. The willingness of business, government and individuals to use information and communication technologies.
3. Direct use of such technologies.

10. Japan

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото

NRI index: 5,65

NRI index of Japan increased from 5.2 in 2013 to 5.65 in 2016, High results country shown on parameters such as local competition (6,3) and the availability of newer technologies (6,2).

These two indicators suggests that Japan is a high – tech country with healthy competition.

Despite the fact that the government takes the initiative to use the latest technologies, it provides the legislative regulations that promote the development and use of technology.

And these regulations encourage businesses and people to use technology.

So, it is noted that Japan has the highest number of robots per capita: 1.5 robot for every 10 people.

9. Luxembourg

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото

NRI index: 5,67

In this small European country understand how important technology is. That is why it developed a complex system of laws that govern the use of technology.

All this creates a favorable atmosphere for the development of the latest technologies and their use in everyday life.

It is noted that in Luxembourg – the highest number of residents working in skilled work: 62,3% of all workers in the country.

According to this indicator, Luxembourg is in 1st place in the world.

8. UK

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото

NRI index: 5,72

The UK is the 17th largest technology companies, the cost of which exceeds $1 billion.

There are a number of factors operating in the high ranking of the country: the availability of venture capital, high quality of education and the state policy in the field of technology development.

According to these indicators, the country has shown very good results that grew compared to last year.

At the moment, analysts are wondering about how to change the situation in the country, its exit from the EU.

7. Switzerland

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото

NRI index: 5,75

Switzerland – a centre of private banking, chocolate and… servers! Here the largest number of data centers per capita.

It can be assumed that this is due to the fact that the government invests a lot in technology, but it is not so.

Despite the fact that the Swiss government is not enough uses digital technology business in the country compensates this disadvantage.

In addition, Switzerland received high scores for the quality of education in management and innovation.

6. Netherlands

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото

NRI index: of 5.81

In July the Netherlands became the first country to have established a national network dedicated to Internet of things.

Payment for mobile Internet in the country is quite high, and the price of the broadband format is constantly growing.

Nevertheless, the country deserves a high place in the ranking of the most advanced from a technological point of view countries.

As a business, and the state support the development and application of technology. In comparison with 2015, the country lost two places in the ranking.

5. USA

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото

NRI index: 5,82

The United States is constantly moving forward and take all the higher places in the ranking. In 2013 the country was on the 9th place in 2014 and 2015 – by 7-M.

Such progress is natural to the country, where seven out of ten global technology companies.

In addition, the business in the country is very stimulates the development and application of technology. It is predicted that in coming years, States will continue to develop in this direction.

4. Norway

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото

NRI index: 5,83

Norway takes 2nd place for average Internet speed in the world of 21.3 megabits per second. 1st place is South Korea with 29 Mb/s.

In country regulatory and innovative atmosphere contributes to the development and widespread use of technology. In addition, it is noted that in Norway the best ICT infrastructure in the world.

Business highly relies on the development of digital technologies.

Compared to last year, Norway has risen in the ranking by one position, however, noted that the country reached its maximum in the coming years one should not expect its growth in the rating.

3. Sweden

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото

NRI index: 5,85

The Swedish government plays an important role in shaping ecosystems in the country, but it recognizes the need to increase the use of technology, as well as improve policy and regulatory environment for technology development and innovation.

The development and application of technology is closely connected with the business who is committed to their widespread use.

2. Finland

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото

NRI index: 5,96

Finland is the best country for education and skills, according to the report, the WEF Human Capital Report.

In addition, the country leads in such indicators as the availability of newer technologies and the impact of information technology on the business model in the country.

This has led to good results business and ultimately attracted venture capital.

Business makes extensive use of the latest technology, however, as in the case of other countries, the government plays an important role in the development of it.

1. Singapore

Названы страны с самыми прогрессивными технологиями. Фото

NRI index: 6,04

This country occupies the 1st place for the second year in a row. This is primarily due to the fact that the country leads in the parameter that is missed in many other countries, its government is promoting the use and development of technology.

One example is the Smart Nation initiative, which consists of a number of attempts to use technology at the national level to improve the lives of people and create more opportunities for business.

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