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Named best products for the revitalization of the brain

Названы лучшие продукты для активизации работы мозга A list of products and tips for concentration.

Soon the end of the holiday season, the beginning of school pupils and students. In General, reckless summer ends, it’s time to collect the brains in the bunch.

European scientists have found out, what substances really help to make the brain work harder and more productively. So, we begin brainstorming the fridge.


To focus, our brain needs to take in iron gloves. In the truest sense – you need iron. To replenish its reserves in the body helps: ripe pomegranate, green apples, buckwheat or just a couple of pieces of black bread (especially Borodino rich in iron).

Remember all

Help carrots, pineapple, avocado. Big day tomorrow, conference, meeting? Find a bedtime carrot salad, seasoned with vegetable – preferably olive or mustard oil (it is known that carotene from carrots is better absorbed from vegetable oils) or fruit salad of canned pineapple, dressed with yogurt.

To perceive new information help some foods rich in b vitamins.

– Especially vitamins B6 and B12, ” says dietician gastroenterologist Svetlana Berezhnaya. – These substances are – how special for our nervous system. Before you go on courses foreign, for example, a good “fill up” a salad of shrimp or squid, in a break between lectures to chew nuts (preferably walnut or cedar).

If the head is empty and iron”

There is such a feeling, especially in the evening after a hard day? Feed the brain glucose. By the way, it is the best source of energy for our nerve cells called neurons. Glucose from refined carbohydrates (cakes, white bread, sweets) quickly enters the bloodstream, but just as quickly the concentration of sugar in the blood and melts (which is not the extra “sweet” calories for a long time deposited on the waist). So to replenish the body with glucose it is better to give preference to polysaccharides from vegetables and fruits, products from wheat flour. One of the simplest options – Breakfast bran with fruit pieces or muesli cereal with candied fruit.

People scattered

Look at the book and see… well, anything in the mind flashed a kaleidoscope of thoughts, scraps of conversations and memories. Brain grinds some stuff, and take his specific important does not work.

Is from chronic fatigue, it is today, and accumulated – says neurologist Anne Gorenkova. Centers of the brain responsible for the perception of information, like “crash” and not allowed to create a new “file” and scroll all the junk.

To gather a bunch of ideas will help choline. It is a fatlike substance is one component of lecithin, helps to maintain communication between different parts of the brain. Its natural sources – egg yolks, subprodukty (beef and pork liver, kidneys). At the pharmacy you can buy vitamin complexes with lecithin.

And vitamin C helps the blood vessels of the brain. One grapefruit and a glass of fresh currant or two oranges a day will help improve cerebral blood flow.

Want to think faster?

The speed of mental activity to stimulate and refresh the perception of potassium and calcium. Because of a particularly busy day, eat Breakfast a few slices of cheese and tomatoes (the tomatoes high in potassium, especially in mellow soil, and to work along with him the cottage cheese with dried apricots and prunes.

Brain activity quickly stimulate spices. Ginger and cumin activate attention, black pepper, paprika and turmeric also improve brain blood circulation, prevent vascular spasm from the stress.

Fact – the Brain weight is only 2-3% of body mass but consumes about 20% of all energy obtained from food.

The ten activators of the brain

1. Glucose

Useful carbohydrates – in grain and black bread, brown cane sugar, pasta from wheat flour, harmful white sugar, pastry, candy and cakes.

2. Iron

Grain products, legumes, eggs, cheese, beef liver. In vegetables and fruit iron a little, but it of them is completely absorbed. Especially from fruits and vegetables green, for example, from green apples.

3. Vitamin C

Black currant, bell pepper, sea buckthorn, all citrus.

4. B vitamins (B1, B6, B12)

Brewer’s yeast (sold in the pharmacy), spinach, carrots, corn, beans, broccoli (B1, B6), beef liver, lean beef, beef heart, herring, chicken egg yolks (B12).

5. Lecithin

Egg yolks, subprodukty (beef and pork liver, kidneys) in the pharmacy to buy vitamin supplements with lecithin.

6. Calcium

Milk and dairy products, cheeses, egg yolks.

7. Magnesium

Bread, especially grain and flour, rice, buckwheat, beans in any form.

8. Potassium

Baked potatoes, dried apricots, raisins, fresh red tomatoes.

9. Unsaturated fatty acids

Vegetable oils – olive, soybean, canola, sunflower, peanut; fat kinds of fishes – herring, tuna, mackerel, fish oil capsules, complexes with omega-3 acids.

10. Zinc

Seafood: shrimp, crabs, oysters, animal proteins: beef, lean young lamb, Turkey. As well as pumpkin seeds, wheat germ.

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