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Muddy river — milk and honey

After the ice melts on the rivers the first time, flowing relatively clean and cold water. But then with the onset of the heat comes time with muddy floods caused by the warming and thawing of the earth with the waste of groundwater, saturated with various suspensions.

In rivers and other bodies of water do, of course, not the groundwater that is constantly circulating in the underground rivers and streams, breaking the surface in the form of springs and nourishing our bodies. And releases the moisture that has accumulated in pre-winter in the soil as a result of prolonged autumn rains, did not have time to go to the natural reservoirs of various types and cold.

It is clear that when such dirty water will rush in for a short time in water bodies, turning them into “muddy river, honey”, then fishing becomes very problematic, and it seems altogether useless. So to catch in the water color thick coffee seems impossible not only on rivers, but even on waters with low or even zero flow rates, and at different sites.

But we must understand that fish populations in many bodies of water, and every small feed livestock every year, and safely survive the invasion of muddy water. At this time the fish even more active moves on the waters, than in the period of receipt of the first ice water, and she clearly misses no opportunity to feed and to compensate for wasted power.

And all this happens on the eve of spawning, so the fish will inevitably have to move to certain areas of the upcoming spawning, where in time the muddy water is caused her undue concentration that allows to hope for successful fishing in these areas. You only need to learn how to calculate the concentration zone of a particular fish, right tackle, technique and the distance of fishing, as well as quickly determine the most effective bait or nozzle. Besides, any of these upcoming fishing largely depends on the object of fishing, and type of the reservoir, and the nature of the current weather, as well as the strength and phase of the floods, early or late starting it.

Especially difficult is the fishing at a very high and troubled waters in large rivers, which are bottled widely, leaving the extensive understand. However, in the short period of the spring of water on the floodplain lowlands here it happens successfully catch, if you can find places of natural concentration of various fish. As a rule, at the stage of the rise of the water forced the fish out of the turbulent stream, where it clogs the gills of the mud and where it is practically not possible to get any food.

On the floodplain, where the depth is small, and the strength of very weak flow or no flow at all, water settles and warms up even a little. As for food, it is here in abundance — it and the worms emerging from the flooded soil, and all kinds of insects and larvae, remaining to winter in the thick of last year’s vegetation, also there is a lot of plant seeds. And usually in such places the fish eagerly grabs any planted on the hook of the worm and completely non-responsive, for example, on a crank, which would be appropriate, when the river goes into the shore.

But not everywhere on the floodplain makes sense at the peak of the floods to sit with a fishing rod — and here the fish is an obvious “paths” through which it goes on tap, and then quickly slips with the beginning of spring drop level. Most often the spring zones of attraction of fish to serve coastal ravines, the mouth of small rivers and streams, greatly reduced parts of the coast, where flooding them with water as it forms temporary bays and backwaters with somewhat greater depth than the rest of the waters of the flood. By the way, these low-lying areas of river floodplain and in the summer often is more saturated with moisture, and therefore much more overgrown than the surrounding area, besides, they are usually not open, because there and food is more.

To fishing among flooded vegetation, there are different approaches. The original release is that living by the river anglers who know the area and usual mode of floods, autumn clearing for yourself “noses” in different areas of the floodplain where they will catch as the ascent or the withdrawal of water. Others act differently — they don Zapadny suit, armed with rakes and directly to the fishing in the right place, tear out the vegetation. Fish, it seems, is even attracted to it and after a while appears in the area of fishing.

It is possible to successfully catch among vegetation, without making any preliminary work: it is sufficient to find a small opening or narrow passage in the bushes and hold it snap in place, in order to save yourself from the hassle of hooks. You should also keep in mind where the normal level have been well-trampled paths, dirt roads or sandy beaches. But if the fishing spot is not in advance prepared, it is not necessary to lower the hook with the bait on float tackle to the bottom, where the hooks are inevitable, and the bait is frequently invisible to fish, falling down in thick vegetation. It is acceptable to hold the nozzle directly above the thickets, while the descent can be very small fish here also goes higher, not burrowing in the wilds, and attractive treats will certainly notice. However, from hooks completely still to get rid of will not succeed, at least when playing next trophy. And this highly annoying problem to a considerable extent is easily solved by snap-in float device. First, it is necessary for the length to make the rod much shorter — so the tackle is easier to control, preventing its uncontrolled bias in the “bad” zone under the action of the wind or drift with the tide. Secondly, is obviously very thick, durable fishing line without a leash, and hook, on the contrary, use a thin, extensor at high loads, but securely hold even large fish with its “plucking” from the bushes.

Such crude tools, yet simplified enough lifting the float and only a sinker on the fishing line, will not affect the results of fishing in troubled waters. Line there lost among the many stalks, but it will allow you to confidently meet a worthy trophy because can bite and powerful IDE, and wide body bream, Chub and fast, not to mention the roach and carp weighing over a kilo.

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