Home / Business / Move your body: Jennifer Lopez caught during a sexy dance party

Move your body: Jennifer Lopez caught during a sexy dance party

Fotodom / Rex Features

47-year-old Jennifer Lopez (Jennifer Lopez) enjoys being alone, but recently the singer has parted ways with the young groom-Casper-SmarTeam. What was the cause of the rupture is not yet clear. According to rumors, the 29-year-old Casper was caught cheating.

Video published by Loren Ridinger (@lorenridinger) Oct 15 2016 7:44 PDT

Lopez recently shared a fun collaboration video with former husband Marc Anthony, ex-beloved has declared on record of a joint album!

Jennifer Lopez and Laura Redinger

And the weekend the singer has spent in the company of friends at a noisy party. A mother of two children could not resist from dancing. So, Instagram has a video where Lopez sexy moves — her friend Laura Redinger decided to capture this moment, until Jennifer saw.

Video published by Loren Ridinger (@lorenridinger) Oct 15 2016 7:19 PDT

In the video, Lopez was very happy and relaxed — apparently, the singer is not worried about parting with a loved one.

Дженнифер Лопес планировала скромную свадьбу с Каспером Смартом/Splashnews

По слухам, Лопес планировала родить третьего ребенка/DR

Дженнифер воспитывает семилетних двойняшек Макса и Эмму/Splashnews

Каспер Смарт давно познакомился с детьми певицы и отлично ладит с ними/Splashnews

Каспер Смарт и Дженнифер Лопес начали встречаться в 2011 году/Splashnews

Каспер Смарт и Дженнифер Лопес недавно вместе отметили день рождения певицы/instagram.com/beaucaspersmart/

Каспер Смарт/instagram.com/beaucaspersmart/

Каспер Смарт/instagram.com/beaucaspersmart/

Каспер Смарт/instagram.com/beaucaspersmart/

Дженнифер Лопес с детьми/instagram.com/jlo/

Дженнифер Лопес/instagram.com/jlo/

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