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Mikhail Khazin: the Case of Gaydar is alive and well the economy of Russia

Experts of the Gaidar Institute and the Russian Academy of national economy and public administration under the President (Ranepa) said that the Russian economy has passed a bottom of crisis and adapt to shocks. How it should be treated?

The current economic model of Russia is built by a team of Yegor Gaidar. The most prominent representative of this team is the current economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev, received in the Russian media the nickname of “diver” for his ability to find the bottom. Over the last couple of years he found the bottom of the economic crisis, not five, not six, not eleven times. As soon as there is at least a minimal reason to say that the bottom is passed and we emerged from the crisis, – he says.

But in fact, out of the crisis it is impossible, because the economic model Gaidar exhausted. She 2012 not can provide not only economic growth, but even the reproduction of the Russian economy. Nevertheless, Gaidar’s team is making Herculean effort to retain a monopoly on the definition of economic policy because it is not only prestige, but also a lot of money.

I draw the attention of an indifferent public that two of the Gaidar Institute – one of his name, the other Ranepa – again we hang noodles on the ears. They are supported by the government and United Russia. The latter received a majority in the last election – and on economic growth now she doesn’t care. Policy pursued by the government and its main expert institutions already mentioned the Gaidar Institute, the Academy and Higher school of Economics – will now go in two directions. To raise taxes and cut budgets, including investment sense. The result will be another failure of the Russian economy – nothing else, these Gaidar can not do.

We must not forget that Yegor Gaidar himself purposefully went to the destruction of the Soviet Union/Russia and its entry into the “Western world” without the law of their own voices. Accordingly, it is the same goal sought present his followers and admirers. Note!

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