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Medvedev said…

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It turns out our “Marie Antoinette”, in common parlance Dimon Prime Minister, not only for small “cast in granite”, but maybe a big too.

He recently published the article “”economic and Social development of Russia: finding new speakers

“The Russian authorities are not going to deal with the crisis by strictly regulating the economy and return to Soviet planning, and do not intend to carry out structural reforms at the expense of people, the character of necessary change does not require a high social cost”, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

In his article “Socio-economic development of Russia: finding new dynamics” for the journal “Questions of Economics” the Prime Minister writes that in developing economic policy countries, it is important to articulate not only what must be done, but what the government should be avoided.

“I see two limitations that should be put in the implementation of the course on structural reforms and economic growth: populism, on the one hand, and reforms at the expense of people. The first is dangerous and, ultimately, will lead to the second, because populism always pays people. Meanwhile, the nature of the needed structural reforms requires now high social charges (unlike the 1990s).

The Prime Minister stressed that the government can not afford populism is neither verbal nor even budget.

“We’re not going to follow the path inclusion of “printing press” and the deregulation of the economy, the catastrophic effects of which are always paying people. If the budget is not enough money, we won’t reprint them to cover the missing income. Everyone understands that the issue of Fiat money is just paper, which will fuel inflation, devalue people’s incomes, salaries and pensions”.

In his opinion, the call to return to the Soviet model of economy is also unacceptable.

“Unacceptable and proposals in the current environment to introduce very strict regulation of the economy, to return to the examples of Soviet planning. It is the rigidity of the Soviet model led to its collapse in the modern (post-industrial) society. There are a number of other ideas, looks as simple as it is dangerous: from transition to a command economy, nationalization of large companies to the total sales of state property.”

The head of government stressed that today the country faces other challenges than in the early 90-ies.

“Real work — unlike the propaganda suggests deep structural reforms, which are increasing efficiency in the public (budgetary) and private sectors. It already absolutely other problems and difficulties in comparison with the mass closure of businesses, loss of revenue or degradation of the social sphere that we saw in the early 90’s. the government is obliged to thoroughly analyse all consequences of actions and to hold calibrated and a number of steps, even conservative policy”


So. With the mass closure of enterprises and the degradation of the social sphere has succeeded, failed, now only the “analyze carefully all the consequences of the steps taken and to hold calibrated and a number of steps, even conservative policy”


That such profound pearl and economic revelations once again “cast in granite” Prime Minister of Russia – the largest country in the world, once a former the most enlightened and educated country with untold wealth.


“Everyone understands that the issue of Fiat money is just paper, which will fuel inflation”

And who is the citizen Medvedev, prohibits to issue money secured? Or, if you differently – who hinders to provide the emitted rubles, the construction of new factories, plants, agro-complexes, construction of social infrastructure? It really bothers comprador thought that Russian rubles should be strictly “penny to penny” provided foreign currency reserves?


“I see two limitations: populism, on the one hand, and reforms at the expense of people, on the other.”

Here is the first example of populism – reforms always come at the expense of people, but not at the expense of sparrows and gophers.


Well, it’s all a song! “again, we structurally reform otremontirovanny, but at a low cost.”

“The man said-man did” – will be to avoid reforms at the expense of people. Decided, apparently, reptilians operate. At their expense will “to reform otremontirovanny“.


When you read this incompetent, economically illiterate “work” full of platitudes “about nothing” comes to mind, the only wish, “if you can not write, do not write.” Well, after all seditious thoughts… how is it “a miracle in feathers” manages to sit in the chair of Prime Minister. But with the Ukrainian Klitschko seems to be clear, there have “square has been” all Weathertop… but in Russia…?

The article “Socio-economic development of Russia: finding new dynamics” (30 pages). https://ria.ru/economy/20160922/1477557046.html

Very interesting by itself, the list of used literature.


Well, the refrain of this great event ( the appearance of the epoch-making scientific work”) in the life of Russia, another small message:

“Citizen Luzhkov was awarded the order “For merits before Fatherland” September 21, 2016, 23:25 the President of Russia signed a decree on awarding the order “For merits before Fatherland” IV degree of the citizen Luzhkov Yu.”


“This award… for me is very important. Because it is also a symbol of the return of timelessness, in which I was involved a few years ago,” — said Luzhkov.


So. Kolchak, Denikin and Mannerheim, Wrangell, then Luzhkov…

Next order will probably Gavril Popov? (in the photo he is right, do not mix!)

 Медведев рассказал...


And another interesting news flashed in the media.

Probably in a fit of euphoria from the election, Mr. our President, another great economist-liberal of our time, flashed the thought, not whether to release from taxes SuperMulti capitalists, the so-called “self-employed”, the more they accounted for 16 million, though it is not known who counted.

Certainly this number includes not only home-based dressmakers, barbers, sellers of homemade cakes, manufacturers of keys and master keys, as well as roadside grandmother and Dedkov, selling their vegetables and herbs, but those which the state does not see the emphasis, ie, homeless people digging in the trash or collecting nonferrous metal, prostitutes, retail salesmen, owners of private brothels, averasboro and capitalists with the “flea markets” selling “Antiques”, well and so on. fortune-tellers, psychics, healers, Tutors, merchants diplomas… But perhaps they’re something to pay the state from their income? If you keep in mind the local Polizei is probably “Yes”, they were paid. If you keep in mind the budget then No.

So Mr. President so generously advised not to take taxes from them and on. Indeed, no wonder he and his buddy got in the 90s the degree of a candidate of economic Sciences, “in the field of hydrocarbons”. Felt the intense throb of economic thought. In unison with the Prime Minister.

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