Home / Economy / Medvedev recalled Obama’s words about torn to shreds the Russian economy

Medvedev recalled Obama’s words about torn to shreds the Russian economy

Медведев припомнил слова Обамы о порванной в клочья экономике России

The head of the government Dmitry Medvedev in his article “Socio-economic development of Russia: finding new dynamics” for the journal “Questions of Economics” remembered the words of President Barack Obama that the Russian economy is torn to shreds.

“At the end of 2014, we predicted a catastrophe, and one prominent politician argued that the Russian economy will be “torn to shreds”. We predicted unmanaged budget crisis, the failure in the inflation spiral and the long fall of the ruble, a long and deep recession, the rise in unemployment. In General, catastrophic scenario,” writes Medvedev.

This scenario was not implemented due to the systematic work of the government, says the Prime Minister.

“We have kept the Foundation for macroeconomic stability. The budget, though not without loss, to cope with the severe challenges posed by them foreign economic situation”, — said in the article.

Medvedev also said that Russia is “very different economic model” — the share of budget revenues, non-oil and gas accounts for almost 60 percent.

In January 2015, Barack Obama in his next annual message to Congress, in particular, said that after sanctions Russia is isolated and its economy “in tatters”.

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