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Media reported about the benefits to fighters of private military companies of the Russian Federation in Syria

СМИ сообщили о льготах бойцам частных военных компаний РФ в Сирии

Reuters conducted an investigation, according to which there are private military companies, whose fighters are taking part in the fighting in Syria, mainly in ground operations. This was reported by unnamed sources at the Agency.

“At least in one case, revealed by Reuters, the family of a soldier killed in Syria, received a payout of about $ 100,000 in compensation,” — said in an article published on the media website.

Also, according to sources, despite the unofficial status of private military companies”, they act in concert with the Russian military, and the house will receive the benefits, usually relying only military personnel”.

During the interview, “with more than a dozen people directly familiar with the mission,” the Agency found that “Russian soldiers playing a more significant role in ground combat operations, than that which, as the Kremlin plays regular Russian army”.

In the same investigation of Reuters said that in Syria as a result of wounds killed the assistant of the Deputy of the state Duma from LDPR Mikhail Degtyarev Sergey Morozov. According to the Agency, Morozov was part of the Russian group in Syria, but fought on the side of government forces. In the Syrian city of Palmyra, he came under artillery fire and died of his wounds on the way to the hospital.

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