Created military Department 24 transshipment and logistics complex (PLC) will replace by 2020 the current 330 of the warehouses and bases in the territory of the Russian Federation, Kommersant reported.
“Replacement of obsolete databases and warehouses will release more than 50 thousand people of the service personnel and reduce the annual cost of the maintenance of the infrastructure, said in December Sergei Shoigu. All the savings will be directed to fill the deficit on articles of current expenses”.
Currently the content databases and warehouses cost the Ministry of defense at 29.4 billion rubles.
“Many buildings are outdated morally and physically, most of them do not meet the requirements of operational warehousing activities and fire safety, – told the newspaper source in military Department. – The emergence of the PLC will not only reduce the cost almost doubled to 14.8 billion rubles, but also will enhance the logistical capabilities to supply the army”.
He recalled that “now at Naro-Fominsk under construction PLC “Nara”, which will provide storage for approximately 220 thousand tons of materiel and about 4700 pieces of weapons and special equipment”.
With the advent of “Bunk” “will be able to disband the unit 31, 27 freeing up military camps located in the Moscow region”, the source said.
The objects of the 1st stage “Bunk” (4 storage, tent-mobile shelters, perimeter fencing with six checkpoints, etc.) should be put into operation in may, the remaining objects in December of the current year. State one PLC – 1200 people, the leadership to be provided by the CEO.
By 2020 needs to be built 24 complex. The military admitted that the construction prevent outdated departmental rules. “By July will complete the study, its results will be worked out new rules,” he said.
The construction of all PLC – it is quite costly. Currently the government is not ready to allocate a corresponding amount.
During the last meeting on this issue Shoigu said that the Ministry of defense “working on the issue of attracting private investments to “reduce the burden on the Federal budget.”
“We’re talking about the mechanism of project agreements – grants in exchange for compensation of part of interest rate on the loan, the source explained. – For preparation of the concession agreement, potential investors has already been a preliminary analysis of the objects. Of the 24 complexes were selected six: two in the southern military district (“koysug” and “Armavir”), two in the Central (“Novosibirsk” and “Ekaterinburg”), two in the Eastern (“Onokhoy” and “Vanino”)”.
In his words, “the size of the funded project in each individual case will be from 1 billion rubles to 20 billion rubles, and the loan should be covered by 25% gosgarantii of the Russian Federation. It will be provided for a period of from 3 to 20 years to implement the entire investment project”.