Liberal economy is chasing a naked profit – and to chase it is necessary for the production of the desired country!
The West with cronies and hangers-on like the chain broke: crushes and puts pressure on Russia. In the Russian Embassy in Kiev almost American stones throw, new weapons in the former republics of the Soviet Baltic place. If not prepared to impose sanctions on Putin himself.
What to do? To bend and crawl? You won’t; especially as and crawl almost anywhere.
Won in 90-e years it as been farther, as it was caved in, all positions passed – but good?
Our geopolitical, so to speak, partners wimps don’t appreciate: they wash them. In powder. In the dust. All history attests to this. “Before her grites no, gentlemen, you do not gain recognition from Europe”, – Tyutchev the diplomat, who has lived half his life in the West. You can believe him: he knew that writing.
And that, for us, the news is amazing to live in opposition to the West? Yes we are since dogs Teutonic knights lived, and nothing. And the Swede threatened, and “Russian Prussian beaten”, and “dvunadesyatye languages” defended himself, not to mention the more intimate times.
In international Affairs intelligible one “lingua Franca” – the language of force.
Weapons like built up, improved. But – on imported equipment. But it’s embarrassing to recall that the basis of all industry, the military in the first place, is machinery, machine tools in particular. Military industry without the production of means of production is like a house without a Foundation.
But on our machine tool industry, once second in the world, today there are about 10%. The loss, apparently, so large that our leaders even say out loud are not solved. But – we need to build, and fast pace. Not to dream about the sixth technological mode, nano – and eno-and how to achieve perhaps a greater industrial self-sufficiency and independence.
To set goals and plan for their solution should be in physical terms and not monetary. Unfortunately, our leadership is still in the power of monetarist dogma and the neoliberal way of thinking. To connect the solution of industrial problems and the neoliberal way of thinking – it is impossible; it is so long Chama new industrialization is constantly postponed.
It is time to understand that we don’t need chrematistike, i.e. the art of profit and the economy, aimed at solving specific economic problems. And many problems cannot be solved within the logic of costs and profits. We have now the most profitable sector – financial, and we need machine tools, machinery, grain, potatoes. Profitable or costly, and do all that is necessary. Of course, you must try to work more economically, to reduce costs, but the logic of financial efficiency doesn’t work here.
Same story with the science. Scientists need to set specific objectives and strictly to ask for the result. Tell us that comrade. Beria, sitting in the shelter on a nuclear test site, said comrade. Kurchatov: “If this thing explodes I’ll blow your head off”. So then the question was raised. Perhaps this anecdote, but it expresses the essence of the approach: task – result. Today our fathers-commanders continue to carry uncertainty about commercialization of scientific research, their profitability, self-sufficiency. Who will argue against profitability? But most importantly – immediate priorities and to formulate how it should…
Maximum self-sufficiency needed in agriculture. We have imported seeds of vegetables, sugar beet. Imported plant protection products, veterinary drugs, protein-vitamin additives. If the West wants us to fight – he is, for what strings to pull. We need breeding and seed production, and the construction of factories for the production of everything that we buy now. And again: this should be done before that someone will decide in this case is to invest or there is a foreign investor. This should be done simply because need to have. And very quickly. Still didn’t take the bait in this area a regular roasted rooster
For the plan, goal setting in physical quantities: time, resources, responsible, rigorous demand for results. Then we own the chance to achieve economic self-sufficiency. In the meantime, the challenges of life we will not respond at all or respond unacceptably sluggish. And prevent us from liberal economic dogma, which we are enmeshed.
These dogmas, are broadcast among others and through education. In General education we have does not correspond to the tasks and challenges. First of all, because the majority of students receive some arts education, which to any practical case will not apply. We need engineers and agronomists, and financial experts and cultural experts.
The most important thing – a unifying ideology; not surprising that the official ideology denies the Yeltsin Constitution defeatist. But without a unifying spiritual center, no self-sufficiency impossible. Common and no big job.
Tatiana Voevodina