Home / Policy / Lessons – the lessons of life. That’s politics for you. The one forbidden in our ideology

Lessons – the lessons of life. That’s politics for you. The one forbidden in our ideology

Уроки труда – это уроки жизни. Это – политика. Та самая, запрещенная у нас идеология

Rare appointee meets people with such enthusiasm as a new Minister of education Olga Vasilyeva. No one knows nothing, but the expectations – the most optimistic.

This is something Shadrinskoe. Remember: “the Best citizens gathered in front of the Cathedral bell tower and to form a popular chamber, shook the air with shout: the father is ours! pretty boy is ours! clever is ours!.. Residents rejoiced; else he hadn’t seen in the eye of the newly appointed Governor, they have called him “handsome” and “clever”…” However, in our case, the enthusiasm is understandable and excusable: too much mischief predecessors Vasilyeva, and that seems to people that the worst – ever, which means that it will be better.

The current new – it is not until the end of the old. Soviet. The school tries to be a place where educated, and not just providing “educational services” – like diving courses or beading.

It is good and right, but in this case, that is, the horse is not lying. Official ideology there. Who are friends and who are enemies, who are the heroes and who the villains are, what is respected and what is despicable is not clearly marked. The Constitution still means a ban on official ideology. And without it, everything is vague and wrong, everything is spreading, and there’s nothing jelly-like pluralism and tolerance in the bargain.

No ideology can not educate. I’m not talking about methodological development is continuing. I start by talking about General principles.


It seems to be planned to revive the school lessons. Labour really is the basis of education. Respect for labor is the Foundation of a wealthy society.

Immediately zabubenil progressives. Someone from the audience calling on “Echo of Moscow”, scoffs: will teach a sew – in prison will be useful.

Today the work is simple physical, is the Foundation of life, is not respected. Household philosophy is the perception of life cute maid that wanted to go to kept to master and finally quit for good work and start to drive the same, which was yesterday. One friend of the girl, happily married for paid Moscow businessman, talked with scornful compassion on his servants: “she was such a hard life that she knows how to sew, and to cook and clean.”

The school of our village is – formally – the subject of “gardening”. So, its manage to study, theoretically in class. And garden care hired “Tajiks”. However, many children live in homes with land. But teachers can understand: as well as rock each other with pitchforks or skull crushed by a shovel – will have to answer. And to find a teacher who really, not by the book, working in the garden can be quite a challenge.

Modern urban audience is downright antique look to work: the case of the slaves. “Well, there’s all sorts of Tajiks, Moldovans, as they are called – I get them confused”. Real life advanced parties forming the customs – a life without work. The ideal is people who can not do, which can employ, order, buy. He distanciruemsa from the “rednecks”.

It’s Leo Tolstoy plowed the land and mowed grass, that Churchill was working in the garden and with his own hands laid the bricks on the estate. They did not need to distance themselves from “rednecks” and prove their “neprostoy” – and so they were “graphite”, not the office of the barman.

So it is hard in the current climate to organize lessons… Hard, but necessary.


What to teach? Yes, any craft. Especially to wrestle, so it certainly came in handy in life – not worth it. The quadratic equation, too, in life most often do not occur, and the spelling now in most cases checked by the computer, but taught. Why? Creates a way of thinking, you say? So handmade it even more forms!

Man became man when he started to make tools and develop your hand. Today advanced mothers do with babies so-called “finger gymnastics” – it is believed that it contributes to the development of the brain. True, helps. And sewing, embroidery, work with a hammer and a soldering iron – even more. In my generation, all the girls sewed for dolls. I remember, I created a closet for small kuklenko the size of your palm. This meticulous, painstaking work that requires skills. She quietly develop the same fine motor skills, which are baked on courses of preparation for school.

In school, we had created not only a apron but also various other things, but in 8th grade we even had a ‘calico ball’, which all the girls were hand-made cotton dresses. It was very beautiful and very cheap dresses in the style of Cinderella at the ball. To be able to sew – even close enough to compare the price of fabric and finished products. And a very educational lesson: to understand the pattern (not to mention creating their own), lay it on the fabric to come out with economically – all this mental work.

Any craft work is mental, and therefore developmental. Not every man today let’s build a birdhouse: he just doesn’t know how to approach this. The lessons work, whoever was involved – they teach us not to be afraid of physical reality. To do can be anything: repairs, benches, paint old furniture (very entertaining) – in short, all the things a good teacher. We must look for artists and to bring to work. Then it will go.

You see, someone rashochetsya enroll in ecological linguistic University and find a job. This is the education.

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