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Lavrov threw Ukraine another disappointment

There is no doubt that the endless song about the “Russian invasion of Ukrainian lands” – not that other, as the dream of all svidomo. The reasons for these desires they have, very impressive. But Lavrov again disappointed Ukrainian rogues and prolazit.

Two years Ukraine expects Russian invasion. Especially big-eyed, even found him in the Donbass, some even from overseas (Psaki, the U.S. Senate, Power saw, but not enough facts. Poroshenko has ordered an invasion of evil Russia this fall. And all would be well, if not Lavrov.
The Russian foreign Minister has declared to TV channel Bloomberg that “we have not the slightest intention or transmit any troops”! Idle TV crew asked a question about Ukraine, Sergey Lavrov said in one sentence to such questions.

Strange thoughts swirling in the minds of journalists, those builds are completely devoid of criticality and designed for a very rough disinformation of its population. The purpose of all this wild slanderous attack not only to discredit Russia, what gives politicians the right to restrain the development of the Eastern neighbor using sanctions, but to shift on our shoulders the contents of a galloping country.

It’s not logical conclusions, here’s what Soros said in 2014: “the U.S. and some forces in the EU are simply used by Ukraine for their own purposes. The main challenge is to link economic, social and political empowerment of further States. The diversion of her forces from the process of Eurasian economic and political integration”

Comparable facts: Ukraine lived very well while I was taken up the legacy left by her to the USSR. The country has got a large fortune, which was enough for a quarter of a century, but it began to come to an end. Then got a financial question: what to feed the country. Kiev begins the game with euroassociation, do not forget to take from the Russian Federation loans and gas without payment.

It was assumed that Yanukovych will go from signing the Association agreement, and the joy of the Moscow money will rain down on Ukrainians Golden rain. However, the West intervened and the players all went wrong. The people, considering his practical mind, has decided that the West has more money, it’s time to change the sponsor and popped in, wearing pots. Former breadwinners and the brothers were during the day are transferred in the rank of worst enemies and scoundrels!

Then came the conflict with the Russian population of the country. Kherson, Odessa and other Russian regions are unable to resist the response, but the Donbass rebuffed. It was a real gift for the new government. Began the endless song about the Russian invasion.

We must pay tribute to it year well fed country. Tranche was received and acted, the international community revolved around suffering from this evil “Buryat” young democracy. As time went on, in the world there were other, more pressing problems in the Crimea pulled of the delegation of parliamentarians from Europe, the myth began to crumble!

Western curators nervous. To feed the lazy and gluttonous territory no one had planned. The goal was to provoke Russia and to hang on her neck, the ruined and starving Ukraine.

At the beginning of this precedent Soros does not hide the fact that the West will win anyway. From the point of view of financial of the Jackal the highest echelon of investors in Ukraine or for the West will be an extra market, or hang weights on the Russian economy, which permanently exclude Moscow from the international economic field.

“Russia can not leave the Ukrainians to die of starvation and freezing to death in the ruins. Europe will win”, even if the whole of Ukraine will be one huge ashes littered with stinking corpses”
George Soros

But everything went wrong. Moscow did not run with guns and staves to save the “brothers”. Taught by bitter experience of the collapse of the Soviet Union the country, engaged in their own problems and began to rectify the economy and stopped to give the Ukrainians a free gas and other incentives.

Note that the first time was an unusual phenomenon for our country. Our people did not put in the name of justice on foreign territory, leaving everyone to deal with their problems on their own.

Russia has changed, it was a rough Western miscalculation. The interest to include Ukraine, which failed to provoke the Russians and to draw them into a bloody conflict, weakening and suppressing, lost. The Kiev rulers understand that there will be the interest of Moscow to their lives, no money. Repeat like a mantra on the banks of the Dnieper river: “the invasion will be…”.

Moscow mercilessly declares regularly that no military action to restore order in the neighboring country would be made! Began to appear a layer of Western politicians, who see that the invasion is not planned. Smoke defamatory pall over independence square began to disperse, she looked out of the dirty structure of political technologies.

Now Ukraine is very scary: huge debts, the economy collapsed, civil war, order of the West to discredit Russia on the brink of failure, there is no money and never will!

Kiev loses interest from the West, not Russia’s interests, and the work and did not want to think!

Evgeny Radygin,

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